مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : if you want to play
09-03-2011, 08:19 AM
السلام عليكم للجميع
صباح/مساء الخير
I have a game it should be in English
The game is
The player must write a paragraph at less with 5 lines about any thing you like
And i going to tell you who is the winner
I like Barcelona team they are the best team in Spain
And I thing they are the best team in the world they have more
Than 5 good players they are messi xavi pouyol---------. Always when Real madreed plays with Barcelona they loss. But some times they with some luck from the god.
and thanks for evry bodyhttp://reddodo.com/cellphones/fireheart/?sesid=ekl5Tzh5Mm9YeHE5Z1NOZ1VMZ1pDb1hCcDJuN2RrR2N YT3NuUGk4cFNJZFpXYTlPWktBTU5ZeFZHaTVuejZpZkFoVmlVM XU3Uk9DK3RBPT0=
09-03-2011, 08:26 AM
السلام عليكم للجميع
صباح/مساء الخير
I have a game it should be in English
The game is
The player must write a paragraph at less with 5 lines about any thing you like.
And i going to tell you who is the winner
I like Barcelona team they are the best team in Spain
And I thing they are the best team in the world they have more
Than 5 good players they are messi xavi pouyol---------. Always when Real madreed plays with Barcelona they loss. But some times they with some luck from the god.
http://reddodo.com/cellphones/fireheart/?sesid=ekl5Tzh5Mm9YeHE5Z1NOZ1VMZ1pDb1hCcDJuN2RrR2N YT3NuUGk4cFNJZFpXYTlPWktBTU5ZeFZHaTVuejZpZkFoVmlVM XU3Uk9DK3RBPT0=
and thanks for evry body
عاشق برشا
11-03-2011, 01:15 AM
you should say ithink not ithing
عاشق برشا
11-03-2011, 01:34 AM
ali is so ugly cause he dont know how to speak english and also he dont know how to write in english .
so what know ugly dude pro
عاشق برشا
11-03-2011, 01:36 AM
و شكرا للجميع
11-03-2011, 01:56 AM
if you can speak english you should write the paragraph or shout up ugly boy do not talk about people .......that just a little mistake ...and evrybody has a mistakes in his life i thought you are a smart guy but you are not smart you are just a little boy cant do any thing.. you are a stupid
عاشق برشا
12-03-2011, 09:37 PM
You should be shut up or i will knock you up little girl big fat dude i will beat you up
you know what i noticed that nobody answer your subject because your subject is so stupid you trying to be adult but your not adult you just a little girl
عاشق برشا
12-03-2011, 10:48 PM
now what big fat dude you trying to be one of the american people you just abig fat dude
نور العزاوي
12-03-2011, 10:52 PM
hi whats up ali just i want to say somethig why you and sayf fighting all the time
thank you
عاشق برشا
14-03-2011, 03:10 AM
because ali dont know no thing
عاشق برشا
14-03-2011, 03:17 AM
and he is trying to speak english
عاشق برشا
14-03-2011, 05:56 AM
ها شكو علي ليش مترد
16-03-2011, 01:16 AM
جواب الاحمق السكوت عليه
عاشق برشا
16-03-2011, 02:09 AM
الا كنت احمق لعد ليش رديت عليه والاحمق ايرد للاحمق
عاشق برشا
16-03-2011, 02:11 AM
او ال اني احمق ليش انت رديت لان مو علة ساس انت الجبير لا عرفت لويش انت احمق مني بردك هذا
درة النجف
27-03-2011, 03:22 AM
عفوا اخواني بس عيب المجادلة بينكم بهالطريقة
كلنه اخوان بالله و الاحترام اساس المودة و الاخوة
بعدين ممكن الاخ علي ماشاt الكلام او اصلا ما دخل اللعبة بعد بدون اي قصد
ديروا بالكم بطريقة الكلام لان احنه هنانة اخوان و داخل اقواس دينية لازم نبين الاحترام بيننا
و اثنيناتكم فاهمين ماشاء الله عليكم
يلا خلي اللعبة تبدي
اني راح اكتب خمس جمل
My name is Dorrat El-najaf and want to say, that I am a
Iraqian girl, who loves Iraq and people in Iraq
This game is a funny game, but the beautifully in this is my
brothers in imshiaa forum :
Come on brothers and sisters let us play man
27-03-2011, 06:19 AM
Thank you my sister and i am sorry about the cusing
درة النجف
09-04-2011, 07:30 PM
this is okay my brother
come on I will play the game
who is the people in this forum
i will write to the next people
how are you and where are you from
12-04-2011, 04:01 AM
i am from iraq
درة النجف
12-04-2011, 02:05 PM
I am olso from Iraq but living in denmark
How are you and are you interesting in the life in America or no?
will you come back to Iraq or be in America
14-04-2011, 12:33 AM
I like to live in america because if you live in america you feel that you are human for real
24-04-2011, 09:22 AM
yea bro u feel like that .. but u still missing friends .. family
n IRAQ of course
u can live in IRAQ n feel like human if u wanna do that bro
but the problem no one wanna back there .. i dont know WAY ??
درة النجف
28-04-2011, 01:17 PM
because the life in amrica is better than Iraq
but i wanna live in iraq
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