المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Ayat al-Ghormezi's poem: Khalifa

حبيبة الحسين
30-08-2011, 12:35 AM
قصيده الشاعره البطله ايات القرمزي في ميدان اللؤلؤة ربما الكل سمعها وها هي بالانكليزي

The poem was recited on the Pearl Square/ Pearl Roundabout, aka, Square of the Martyrs in Manama Bahrain, during the
February Uprising

Hear me:
You, the elder,
the "good man", who "safeguards justice"
(so you have always declared),
if I were to make excuses for you,
I, for you,
for the things you have done,
I would only look the fool,
for you would continue in your ways,
and murder us as "traitors".
Hear me:
Hear us all, for we all demand likewise -
both sects, all Bahrainis:
You must go.
Take His Majesty with you,
and leave your deeds behind.
You, oppressor,
from where do you derive your power,
the power to keep your people down? -
all your people,
even women
even children
even men.
Yet you call for "dialogue",
even in the midst of your brutality?
No! ... No! ...
One word: No!
One demand:
Give us back our Bahrain.
Return this country to its people;
to us, its people.
Our Bahrain is ours

بحر الوفاء
30-08-2011, 01:41 AM
My sister is dear to my heart you alwys ceator

حبيبة الحسين
30-08-2011, 02:53 AM
Thank you dear brother for the password beautiful
Every year one thousand one thousand and you aregood

وردة الزهراء
22-09-2011, 02:46 PM
nice topic

thanks my heart

حبيبة الحسين
22-09-2011, 10:23 PM
مشكورين لمروركم العطر
بارك الله بكم
لكم مني خالص الاحترام

ربيبة الزهـراء
18-11-2011, 03:11 AM
وعليكم السلام

بارك الله بيج


حبيبة الحسين
19-11-2011, 12:01 AM
مشكورين لمروركم العطر
قد انرتم متصفحي بحضوركم
لكم مني خالص الاحترام