01-03-2013, 05:51 PM
بسمه تعالى
أعتذر من سيدتي و مولاتي فاطمة الزهراء لتقصيري
زحف الشر ليقتل الطهر
جريمة قتل سيدة الطهر .. سيدة نساء العالمين فاطمة الزهراء صلوات ربي و سلامه عليها
Evil crawled to kill the pureness
The murder of the purest lady Fatema
Fatima was in her house when Omar and his men were trying to get inside. As the door was breaking, there would not be enough time for her to go and get her scarf, so she stood behind the door. Omar pushed the door open and the handle hit Fatima's stomach. She was pregnant with her baby Mohsin, which died instantly, and she a few months later also passed away as a result of the injuries caused to her by the door. She was only eighteen years old when she died.
أعتذر من سيدتي و مولاتي فاطمة الزهراء لتقصيري
زحف الشر ليقتل الطهر
جريمة قتل سيدة الطهر .. سيدة نساء العالمين فاطمة الزهراء صلوات ربي و سلامه عليها
Evil crawled to kill the pureness
The murder of the purest lady Fatema
Fatima was in her house when Omar and his men were trying to get inside. As the door was breaking, there would not be enough time for her to go and get her scarf, so she stood behind the door. Omar pushed the door open and the handle hit Fatima's stomach. She was pregnant with her baby Mohsin, which died instantly, and she a few months later also passed away as a result of the injuries caused to her by the door. She was only eighteen years old when she died.