03-11-2007, 07:02 PM
ثلاثُ خصالٍ هنّ اشدَّ ما عمل به العبدُ: إنصافُ المؤمنِ من نفسه ومواساةُ المرءِ لأخيه وذكرُ اللهِ على كل حالٍ. قيل له: فما معنى ذكرُ الله على كل حال؟ قال(عليه السلام): يَذْكُرُ اللهَ عند كلِّ معصيةٍ يهُمُّ بها فيحولُ بينه وبين المعصيةِ.
'The best three qualities can a servant [of Allah] have are: treating a believer fairly against oneself, comforting one's brother in faith and remembering Allah in all situations.' Then Imam (a.) was asked: 'What is the meaning of remembering Allah in all situations? Imam (a.) replied: 'One remembers Allah before every sin one is about to do and that will keep him / her from perpetrating the same.'
'The best three qualities can a servant [of Allah] have are: treating a believer fairly against oneself, comforting one's brother in faith and remembering Allah in all situations.' Then Imam (a.) was asked: 'What is the meaning of remembering Allah in all situations? Imam (a.) replied: 'One remembers Allah before every sin one is about to do and that will keep him / her from perpetrating the same.'