المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : 《 أحاديث قدسية . Holy sayings 》

محمد علي 92
30-01-2023, 10:41 PM
《 أحاديث قدسية . Holy sayings 》


[ فَغَفَرْتُ لَهُ ]
ـ مَرَّ عيسی عليه السلام بقبرٍ يُعَذَّبُ صاحبُه ، ثمّ مَرَّ بِهِ مِنْ قابِل ، فإذا هو ليسَ يُعَذَّب .
ـ فقال : يا ربِّ ! مَرَرْتُ بهذا القبر عامَ أَوَّلَ وهو يُعَذَّب ، ومَرَرْتُ بِه العام ، فإذَا هو ليس يُعَذَّب ؟ !
ـ فـَأَوْحَی اللهُ إلَيْه : ( يا رُوحَ الله ! إِنَّهُ أَدْرَكَ لَهُ وَلَدٌ ، فأَصـْلَحَ طريقاً ، وآوی يَتيماً ، فَغَفَرْتُ لَهُ بِمَا عَمِلَ إِبْـنُهُ . )
[ So I forgave him ]
- Issah (Jesus) peace be upon him passed by a grave and its owner was being tortured, the next year he passed by the same grave and he wasn’t being tortured.
- He (Issah) said: My Lord! I passed by this grave last year and he was being tortured, and when I passed by this year he wasn’t being tortured?!
- Allah conveyed to him (to Issah):
( Oh Spirit of Allah ! He had a son that fixed a road, and ****tered an orphan, so I forgave him because of what his son did. )

( 2 )
[ كُنْ فـَيَكُون ]
ـ لمَّا صَعدَ موسی إلی الطُّور فَناجَی رَبَّهُ ، - قال : يا ربِّ ! أَرِني خَزَائِنَكَ .
ـ قال : ( يا موسَی ! إِنَّما خَزائِني ، إِذَا أَرَدْتُ شيئاً ، أَنْ أَقُولَ لَهُ : كُنْ ، فَـيَكُون . )
( 2 )
[ Be and it shall be ]
- When Moses ascended to the mount he communed to his Lord! He said: oh Lord! Show me your coffers (treasures).
- He (Allah) Said: ( Oh Moses,! my coffers are such if I want something I would only say to it: be and it will be )

[ يُحِبُّ حبيبَه ]
ـ لمّا أرادَ اللهُ تَبارَكَ وتَعالى قـَبْضَ رُوح إبراهيم (عليه السلام)، بَعَثَ إليهِ مَـلَكَ الموت ، فَسَـلَّم ، فَرَدَّ عَـلَيْهِ السلام ،
ـ ثم قال له : أَزائِرٌ أَنْتَ ، أَمْ داعٍ ؟
ـ قال : بل داعٍ ، فَـأَجِبْ.
ـ فقال : هل رأَيْتَ خليلاً يُميتُ خليلاً ؟
ـ فرجعَ حتی وقف بين يدي الله ،
ـ فقال : إلهي ! سمعتَ ما قال خليلكَ إبراهيم ،
ـ فقال الله عزَّ وَجلّ : ( يا مَـلَكَ المَوت ! إِذْهَبْ إِلَيْهِ وقُلْ لَهُ : هَلْ رأَيْتَ حَبيباً يَكْرَهُ لِقَاءَ حبيبِه ؟ إِنَّ الحبيبَ يُحِبُّ لِقَاءَ حبيبِه. )
( 3 )
[ He loves his beloved ]
When Allah wanted to collect Ibrahim’s soul (peace be upon him), He sent him the angel of death, the later greeted him, and he (Ibrahim) answered back, He (Ibrahim) told him: Are you visiting or calling? He said: (I am) a caller. So, answer the call (to collect your soul). He (Ibrahim) said: have you ever seen a close friend wishing the death of close friend? He (angel of death) went back and stood in the presence of Allah, then said: My Lord you heard what your close friend Ibrahim said, Allah The Almighty said; ( Oh angel of death! Go to him and tell him: have you ever seen a friend who dislikes meeting his friend? (Usually) A lover loves to meet his beloved )

[ معرفةُ الله ]
ـ قال تعالی : ( عـَبْدي إذَا عَرَفْـتَني ، وَعـَبَدْتَني ، وَرَجَوْتَني ، وَلَمْ تُشْرِكْ بي شيئاً ، غَفَرْتُ لَكَ عَـلَی مَا كانَ مِنْكَ * ولَوِ اسْتَـقـْبـَلـْتَني بِمِلْءِ الأرضِ خَطايا وذُنوباً ، إِسْـتَـقـْبَـلْـتُكَ بِمِلْئِها مغفرةً وعَفْواً * وأَغْفِرُ لَكَ ولا أبالي * ) .
( 4 )
[ Knowing Allah ]
Glorified be He, Said: ( My servant if you knew me, worshiped me, begged me, and you didn’t associate anything with me, I will forgive what you have done even if you greeted to me with sins and guilt that filled the earth and I would welcome you with forgiveness and pardons, and I would forgive you and I wouldn’t care (how much or bad your sins are ).

محمد علي 92
13-02-2023, 11:21 PM
[ احفظ وصيتي ]

قال الله عز وجل لموسى :
يا موسى !.. اِحْفَظْ وصيَّتي بأربعة أشياء :

أولاهن : ما دُمْتَ لا ترى ذنوبَك تُـغْـفَر، فلا تشتغل بعيوبِ غيرِك ..

والثانية : ما دمت لا ترى كنوزي قد نَفِدَتْ، فلا تَـغْـتَمّ بِسَبَبِ رزقِك ..

والثالثة : ما دمت لا ترى زوالَ مُـلْكي، فلا تَـرْجُ أحداً غيري ..

والرابعة : ما دمت لا ترى الشيطانَ ميتاً، فلا تأمَنْ مَـكْـرَه .

[ Conserve my commandment ]

God the imposing and the majestic said to Moses:
O Moses! Conserve my commandment in four things:

- First: as long as you do not see your sins forgiven, do not preoccupy yourself with the flaws of others.

- Second: as long as you do not see my treasures running out, do not grieve your livelihood.

- Third: as long as you do not see the disappearance of My reign, do not put hope on anyone else.

- Fourth: as long as you do not see the devil dead, do not entrust his deceitfulness and his schemes .

محمد علي 92
13-02-2023, 11:23 PM
[ عـَجِبْـتُ...! ]

ـ فِي تَـوْرَاةِ مُـوسَى ( عَـلَـيْـهِ الـسَّـلام ) :

عـَجِبْـتُ لِمـَنْ أَيْقَنَ بِـالمـَوْتِ كَيْـفَ يـَفْـرَح ؟

وَ لِـمَـنْ أَيْـقـَنَ بـِالـحِـسَابِ كَـيـْفَ يُـذْنِـب ؟

و َلِـمـَنْ أَيِـقـَنَ بـِالـقَـدَرِ كَـيْـفَ يَـحـْزَن ؟

وَ لِـمـَنْ أَيْـقـَن َ بـِالـنـَّارِ كـَيْـفَ يَـضـْحـَك ؟

وَلِمـَنْ رَأَى تَقـَلُّبَ الدُّنْيَا بِـأَهـْلِهَا كـَيْفَ يَطـْمَئِنُّ إِلَيْـهَا ؟

وَلِمَنْ أَيْقَنَ بِالجَزاءِ ( فِي يَوْمِ القِيَامَة ) كَيْفَ لا يَعْمَل ؟

- In Torah of Moses ( peace be upon him ) :

I wonder to whom certains death how to be happy ? ,

and whom certains judgement day how to make sins ? ,

and whom certains destiny how to be sad ? ,

and whom certains hell how to laugh ? ,

and whom sees life changing how to reassure to it ? ,

and whom certains retribution ( in the Day of Resurrection ) why does not work ?

محمد علي 92
13-02-2023, 11:24 PM
[ اذكر الله عند الغضب ]

أوحى الله إلى بعض أنبيائه :
يا بْنَ آدم !.. اذْكُـرْني في غضبِك أذكُرْكَ في غضبي ...

[ Remember God in the anger ]

God revealed to some of his prophets:
Oh son of Adam!
Remember me in your anger,
I remember you in my anger....

محمد علي 92
13-02-2023, 11:26 PM
[ تريد وأريد ]

أوحى الله إلى داوود :
يا داود!..تُريدُ وأُريد ،
ولا يَكُونَ إلا ما أُريد ،
فإنْ سَلَّـمْتَ لِمَا أُريد أعطَيْتُكَ ما تُريد ،
وإن لَمْ تُسَلِّمْ لِمَا أُريد أتعَـبْتُكَ فيما تريد ،
ولا يَكُونُ إلا ما أُريد ! .

[ You want and I want ]

God revealed to David:
Oh David! You want and I want.
But it will only be what I want.
If you surrender to what I want , I will give you what you want.
But if you do not surrender to what I want, I will exhaust you with what you want.
And it will only be what I want.

محمد علي 92
13-02-2023, 11:36 PM
[ خمسة في خمسة ]

فيما أوحى الله إلى داوود
يا داوود !..إني وضعت خمسة في خمسة ، والناس يطلبونها في خمسة غيرها فلا يجدونها :

1- وضعت العلم في الجوع والجهد ، وهم يطلبونه في الشبع والراحة فلا يجدونه .

2- ووضعت العز في طاعتي ، وهم يطلبونه في خدمة السلطان فلا يجدونه .

3- ووضعت الغنى في القناعة ، وهم يطلبونه في كثرة المال فلا يجدونه .

4- ووضعت رضائي في سخط النفس ، وهم يطلبونه في رضا النفس فلا يجدونه .

5- ووضعت الراحة في الجنة ، وهم يطلبونها في الدنيا فلا يجدونها .

[ Five in five ]

- What God has revealed to David:
Oh David! I have put five in five, and people request them in other five; but they can't find them :

(1) I placed knowledge in hunger and effort, while they request it in satiation and comfort; but they can't find it.

(2) And I placed pride in my obedience, while they request it at the service of the king, but they can't find it.

(3) And I placed richness in satisfaction, while they request it in the abundance of money, but they can't find it.

(4) And I placed my gratification in Self-dissatisfaction, while they request it in self-satisfaction, but they can't find it.

(5) And I placed comfort in paradise, while they request it in this world; but they can't find it.

محمد علي 92
13-02-2023, 11:40 PM
[ يَا مُـحَمَّد ! ]

《 كَلِمَاتٌ قُدْسِيَّة 》

《 Sacred words 》

ـ جَاءَ جِبْرِيلُ النَّبِيَّ ( صَلاةُ اللهِ وَسَلامُهُ عَـلَيْهِ وَعَلَى أَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ المُطَهَّرِين ) فَقَال :

يَا مُـحَمَّد ! عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَـيـِّت ،

وَأَحـْبِـبْ مـَنْ شـِئْـتَ فَإِنـَّكَ مـُفَارِقُـه ،

وَاعـْمَلْ مـَا شـِئـْتَ فَإِنَّـكَ مـَجـْزِيٌّ بِهِ ،

وَاعْلَمْ أَنَّ شـَرَفَ المُؤمِنِ قِـيَامُهُ بِاللَّيْل ،

وَ عـِزَّهُ اسْـتِـغـْنـَاؤُهُ عَـنِ الـنَّـاس .

[ Oh Mohammad ! ]

- Gabriel came to the prophet Mohammad ( God bless and grant peace on him and his purified family ) and said :

Oh Mohammad ! Live as long as you wish but then you will die
Love whomever you wish ; you will get separated from it ( them )

Do what you wish , you will be held accountable ( for what you do ) .
Let it be known that the honor of the believer is his night prayer .

And his pride is his dispense with people.​