المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [ .... وأذنب ما شئت ! ] arb ـ eng

محمد علي 92
06-09-2023, 07:37 PM
[ .... وأذنب ما شئت ! ] arb ـ eng

رُويَ أنَّ [ الإمام ] الحسينَ بنَ عليٍّ (عليهما السلام) جاءَه رجلٌ ،
وقال : « أنا رجُلٌ عاصٍ ، ولا أصبِرُ عَنِ المَعصِيَةِ ، فَعِظْني بِمَوعِظَةٍ » ،

فقالَ الإمام :
[ اِفعَلْ خَمسَةَ أشياءَ ، وأذنِبْ ما شِئتَ ،

1 ـ فأوَّلُ ذلكَ : لا تَأكُلْ رِزقَ اللهِ وأذنِبْ ما شِئتَ ،
2 ـ والثّانِي : اُخرُجْ مِن وَلايَةِ اللهِ وأذنِبْ ما شِئتَ ،
3 ـ والثّالِثُ : اُطلُبْ مَوضِعاً لا يَراكَ اللهُ وأذْنِبْ ما شِئتَ ،
4 ـ والرّابِعُ : إذا جاءَ مَلَكُ المَوتِ لِيَقبِضَ رُوحَكَ ، فادْفَعْهُ عَن نَفسِكَ وأذنِبْ ما شِئتَ،
5 ـ والخامِسُ : إذا أدخَلَكَ مالِكٌ في النّارِ ، فلا تَدخُلْ في النّارِ وأذنِبْ ما شِئتَ ! ].


[....and you can sin whatever (whenever) you wish ! ]

It was narrated that [Imam] Husayn ibn Ali (peace be upon them) was approached by a man.

He said :
" I am a disobedient man, and I am impatient with sin, so preach to me a sermon.
(That I can follow to stop sinning). "

The imam said :
[ Do five things and sin whatever (whenever) you wish,

1- First of these : don’t eat from Allah's sustenance and you can sin whatever (whenever) you wish,
2 - and the second : get out of Allah’s guardianship and sin whatever (whenever) you wish,

3 - and the third : seek a place where Allah can’t see you and sin whatever (whenever) you wish,

4 - and the fourth : if the angle of death came to collect (seize) your soul, prevent him from doing so, and sin whatever (whenever) you wish,

5 - and the fifth : if Malik (guardian of Hell) puts you in Hell don't enter, and sin whatever (whenever) you wish. ]

محمد علي 92
07-09-2023, 01:26 AM
تصحيح رقم 4:
4 - and the fourth : if the angel of death came to collect (seize) your soul, prevent him from doing so, and sin whatever (whenever) you wish,