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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ]~Friend Just like a rose~[

10-03-2008, 05:19 AM

Friend Just like a rose


If you are my friend, please answer this
Are we friends or are we not
You told me once but I forgot
So tell me now and tell me true
So I can say..."I'm here for you

Friends we are
forever friends we'll be
Wherever we are
you're right beside me
I hope we stay friends
'til the end of time
And whenever that is
our friendship will still shine

You, my friend, are special
Unique, in your own way
Words don't come so easily
Yet, I just have to say
I'm so glad I have a friend
Who is there, come what may
Sharing all our times of laughter
Seeing dark or sunny days

Promised by our pinkies
Sworn by our hearts
Forever we'll be friends
Never will we part
I'll be there for you
If you'll be there for me
I couldn't have made it through
Not without you
Through thick and thin
Loneliness and sin
You were always there
It just isn't fair

Why did you leave me
Why can't you see
I am lost without you
And our friendship, too
Promised by our pinkies
Sworn by our hearts
Forever we'll be friends
Never will we part
I was there for you
And you were there for me
Together we are friends

forever friends we'll be
Wherever we are
you're right beside me
I hope we stay friends
til the end of time
And whenever that is
our friendship will still shine

A friend like you
Is hard to find
someone so alike
We almost share the same mind
I hope for us
To never part
As close as we were
From the very start

Friends are those we care about
who touch our very soul
They can take the shattered pieces
and once again make us whole
We may not know just how this is
or why they even care
Just knowing they are part of you
makes them so very rare

Thank you for our friendship
For it means so much to me
Your kindness and understanding
And loving ways you share so free
Thank you for being beside me
When I needed someone that cared
And thank you for all your loyalty
For the times together we shared

Thank you for our friendship
For it's something even money can't buy
Thank you for holding me tightly
When there was a need I had to cry
Thank you for always smiling
When I couldn't smile at all
And thank you for boosting my ego
For the times I felt so small
Your friendship I cherish so deeply
So this message to you I send
May God bless and always watch over you
And may you always remain my friend

Just like a rose
So precious and rare
Is the forever friendship
The two of us share
Planted with kindness
It's warmed by the sun
Of caring and sharing
Laughter and fun

Sometimes in life
you find a special friend
Someone who changes your life by
being part of it
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop
Someone who makes you believe
that there is really good in this world
This is forever friendship

When you're down
and the world seems dark and empty
your forever friends lifts you up
in spirit and makes that dark and empty
world suddenly seem bright and full
If you find such friend
you feel happy and complete
you have a forever friend for life

10-03-2008, 06:30 PM
Sometimes a friend can be closer to you than a sister or brother

You have to try to learn as much as possible about your friend to be able to understand her or him

and then you have to be nice to your friend to keep her or him

Thank you very much

11-03-2008, 12:19 AM
العفوو يا عمري اسعدني وجودك..

12-03-2008, 04:37 AM
it s a buoteful worad but wher is it
it s mostle be gan

thank you for the naic woerds
and buoteful lins



يعطيش العافيه ومشكووورة
اعذريني من زمان ما استخدمت الانجليزي فاكيد كله اغلاط في لسبلنج

تحياتي لكي


15-03-2008, 09:44 PM
نورت العقرب
÷م أنا مثلك ما أكتب دايما أنجلش بس أقراء
وأستخدم بعض الكلمات في حياتي اليومية,,

أمل هارون
04-04-2008, 04:21 PM
yes this is friend and frind ship your words knoked in my heart

05-04-2008, 03:31 AM
يسلملي قلبك يالغالية..
منورة يا أمل
يا كل الأمل أنت ِ

عشق فاطمي
05-04-2008, 09:08 PM
thanx alot
all your words touch the heart

except wishes

your sis

09-04-2008, 01:59 AM
العفووو عيوني عشق فاطمي
الله يسلم قلبك يالغلا..