تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Prophet Muhammad S

05-02-2009, 11:34 PM
Muhammad was a prophet who lived from 570?-632. He was the founder of Islam, and his teachings, social and political as well as religious principles, became the basis of Islamic civilization. His teaching had a great influence of world history. He received the revelations which later made up the Qur’an from Allah, or God and others wrote it down for him.

Muhammad was born in Mecca and belonged to the clan of Hashim, a poor but respected branch of the tribe of Quraysh. His father died before his birth and his mother died when he was six, so his uncle Abu Talib brought him up.

Muhammad was thoughtful and solitary and displayed acute moral sensitivity at an early age, and became known as al-Amin (“the trusted one”).
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الباحث عادل الايهم
07-02-2009, 01:55 AM
the name of god

allahuma sallly ala muhammad wa aal e muhammad

wa ajjil farajahum

**********my sister baghdadia

thank you very much for these sayings

and thank you very very much for these information

your brother >>>>>>>ayham aliraqi

عشق الكلمة
07-02-2009, 04:13 AM
Many thanks to you and
good effort but I have only one comment
Hashim who gave his name to the clan which became famous in history as Banu Hashim. was an extraordinary man. It was he who made the Quraysh merchants and merchant princes. He was the first man who instituted the two caravan journeys of Quraysh, summer and winter, and the first to provide thareed to the Arabs. But for him, the Arabs might have remained shepherds forever.
Enlightened and benevolent leadership and generosity were only two out of many qualities which Muhammad, the future prophet, "inherited"
from his fore-fathers so
clan of Hashim not poor
my thankfulness and appreciation to you my dear sister Baghdadia

trouble maker
09-02-2009, 04:48 AM
peace be upon him
thanks alot for that