منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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عبد محمد 27-04-2011 02:05 PM

صوت شعب البحرين
متطوع لعلاج المصابين الذين يخشون الذهاب إلى المستشفى للعلاج– راسلوه بالانجليزي إن كان لديكم مصاب jonathan.whttall@msf.org 39508628

فتاة الاحلام 27-04-2011 02:06 PM

قناة أهل البيت عليهم السلام الفضائية تعود على القمر نايل سات على التردد التالي
Nilesat - 12379 V - 27500 - 3/4

فتاة الاحلام 27-04-2011 02:20 PM

صور للدمار الذي قامت به قوات الشغب في كرانة وهي لاتزال متواجدة إلى الآن وهذه صورة للمضيف او المطبخ لمأتم كرانة'



فتاة الاحلام 27-04-2011 02:22 PM

عاجل:مجلس إدارة غرفة التجارة يقيل كل من:عادل العالي وإبراهيم الدعيسي ويعّين عضوا الاحتياط:أحلام جناحي وعبدالحكيم الشمّري

فتاة الاحلام 27-04-2011 02:24 PM

شبكة 14 فبراير الإعلامية
أحد الصحفيين الأجانب قال لأحد الممرضين:
في الحروب وفي وسط الدمار تكون المستشفيات،أكثر الأماكن أمانا
أما في البحرين فأصبحت المستشفيات أخطر الأماكن سواء للمرضى او الممرضين

#Bahrain NO 24

فتاة الاحلام 27-04-2011 02:24 PM

إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون توفيت صباح هذا اليوم الأربعاء والدة المعتقل علي احمد عبدلله الشغل الموظف في جامعة البحرين من قرية عالي

فتاة الاحلام 27-04-2011 02:26 PM

مقال بالإنجليزية عن سحب البعثات في موقع Lazacode


Bahrain: Scholarships & Protesting Abroad

The Ministry of Education in Bahrain has revoked more than 40 scholarships from students abroad who participated in protests . Officials from the Ministry and regime apologists have argued that this was a fair and legitimate decision. Following is a quick rebuttal of the main arguments in favour of revoking the scholarships:

The protests called for the downfall of a legitimate regime, and therefore are unacceptable.

Firstly, it should be clear that the aim of most of the protests that took place abroad was to condemn the use of violence against peaceful protesters, and to raise awareness of the violation of human rights that is taking place in Bahrain. Whilst slogans calling for the fall of the regime were often raised by some, they were not the main focus of the protests.

Secondly, the Crown Prince of Bahrain in a televised interview had expressed his belief that protesters in Lulu Roundabout, the main area of protests in Bahrain, should be allowed to stay there. By extension, a protest abroad that is standing in solidarity with the protest in Bahrain has the same legitimacy.

Thirdly, even advocating a change in regime is an established human right, insofar as the advocacy is through peaceful means (consider the republicanism movement in the UK, supported by many politicians and public figures). There is of course no question that protests abroad were peaceful.

The protests tarnished the image of Bahrain abroad.

This claim fails to distinguish between the image of “Bahrain” and that of the “government of Bahrain.” Those committing crimes against the people of Bahrain and violating human rights are the ones tarnishing the image of Bahrain. Those standing against such acts are in fact defending the beautiful image of Bahraini people. Bahrain cannot be reduced to the acts of those running the country and committing crimes in the name of its people.

Students should be grateful to the government for giving them the opportunity to pursue their studies abroad, rather than protest against it.

Firstly, I stress again the main aim of most of the protests was to condemn violations of human rights by the regime in Bahrain. Nonetheless, even if the aim of the protests was to advocate a change in regime, this argument still fails.

Secondly, it should be noted that the scholarships revoked are funded through public money and are not a private privilege offered by regime officials. Being in receipt of public money does not negates one's right to have a view on the type of regime that should govern their country and to peacefully advocate such a regime, let alone negate their right to criticise certain actions by the government.

Thirdly, in a country which claims to be run by institutions, public scholarships are not dependent on the regime staying as it is. In fact, if the country was governed more democratically, it is probable that funds allocated to public scholarships would be even greater, as less would need to be spent on the budget for the royal court.

Fourthly, the students' sense of duty and loyalty should be towards their country, not the regime, as it is through public money belonging to all Bahrainis that they are pursuing their studies. Standing against violations of human right in their country, or advocating a more democratic regime, is derived from this sense of duty and loyalty and from the desire to contribute towards a better country.

The students had signed a contract that they would not participate in protests against the government.

Supposing that there was indeed such a condition in the contract, then this condition is a clear violation of the human rights of the students. Receiving public money, and I stress again that this is public money, should not limit one's right to engage in political activism or limit their freedom of speech.s

The emphasis should be on criticising the government for this unjust condition and demanding that it is cancelled, rather than blaming the students for breaking it and standing in solidarity with the people of their country.

أبو حيدر11 27-04-2011 02:33 PM

UK Message to Crown Prince of Bahrain - رساله الى ولي العهد البحريني

عابر سبيل سني 27-04-2011 02:45 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة غموض (المشاركة 1385039)
احرار البحرين news
بعد البحث في تاريخ مستشفى السلمأنية تبين إن قطعة الأرض كانت عبارة عن هبة من المرحوم منصور العريض مستشار الحكومة أيام الاستعمار البريطاني حيث قام بجعلها كوقف للشعب و المبنى أقيم بتبرع من الحكومة الكويتية فبأي حق يقوم خليفة بن سلمان بوضع اليد و التصرف فيه و هو أصلا مملوك للشعب

لا نريدهم ان يرحلوا قبل ان يسحلوا
لا بد من سحلهم وكل من شارك في اثامهم

أحزان الشيعة 27-04-2011 02:46 PM

المملكة المتحده - وزارة الخارجية - وزير الخارجية يصدر بيان بشأن حقوق الإنسان في البحرين

UK - MFA - Foreign Secretary statement on human rights in Bahrain

* وزير الخارجية وليام لاهاي قد دعى السلطات لإحترام الحق في الاحتجاج السلمي في البحرين وقد قال: نشعر بالقلق إزاء الأحداث التي وقعت في البحرين. بالرغم من ان الوضع يبدوا أكثر هدوءا، الا ان هناك اكثر من تقرير موثوق عن حدوث انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان


الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 02:02 PM.

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