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Hadith of the Day
http://sites.google.com/site/12imams...Home/Small.JPG In the Name of Alaah the Gracious the Most High Hadith: Teaching and learning Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (AS) has said: “Teach others your knowledge and learn knowledge of others so you will bring your knowledge to perfection and learn something which you do not know.” Source : www.12imams.topshia.net |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...beginning2.jpg Knowing To know or knowing to boast? Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (AS) has said: “He who acquires knowledge to boast about it among other learned men or to wrangle about it with the rustics or to attract the attention of the people towards him (to gain popularity and respect) his innards will be filled with fire. Verily, leadership is fit only for those who really deserve it.” Usoul al-Kafi, Making Knowledge a Means of Livelihood |
it's really good 2 read sht holy n full of meanin' be4 i start my tour in this great web site,,,,,, bless u brother n thanx alot
Thanks for nice words from our Imam |
God bless you brother Mowaffaq all that is good Regards Noor |
welcome and pray for me http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Quran Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) has said: “While a pious young man recites the Quran, it will mingle with all his entity, his flesh and blood.” Wasael ash-Shi’ah, Volume 4, page 833 |
Proud to read your words Do pray for me .. http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg <H4>Try to remember when you’re trying to forget...In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Asbagh ibn Nabatah narrated that Amir al-Momenin (AS) had said: “There are two types of remembrance: remembering God during times of calamities, and even better is remembering God when you are about to do what God has forbidden. This form of remembrance will cause you to abandon forbidden acts.” Meshkat al-Anwar, On Remembrance </H4> |
Mowafaqeeen you also Pray for me .. http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ <H4>Argument and debate Imam Husayn ibn ‘Ali (AS) has said: “Argument and debate with ignorant people is a sign of ignorance and unawareness of mankind.” Behar al-Anwar, Volume 78, page 119 </H4> |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg This world is temporaryIn the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High _________________________ Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (AS) has said: “Consider the world as an inn that you have just arrived at, and will vacate today!” Meshkat al-Anwar, Page 270 |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) has said: “I am amazed at believers, since God will only destine what is good for them. If God makes a believer rich, it is good for him. If God sends a calamity down upon him, it is good for him. If God makes him the owner of whatever lies between the East and the West, it is good for him. Even if he is torn into pieces, it is good for him. There is good in any of God’s decrees for a believer.” Meshkat al-Anwar, On the Necessity of a Believer’s Submission to Destiny |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (AS) has said: “When you wish to know whether there is any good in you, look at your heart. There is some good in you if you love those who obey God. God will then love you. But there is no good in you if you are the enemy of those who obey God, and love those who sin. Then God will be your enemy. Every man is with whom he loves.” Meshkat al-Anwar, On Love and Eagerness |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) has said: “Do visits to your relatives and be kind to your brothers, even with salutation and responds to salutation.” Usoul al-Kafi, Volume 3, page 229 |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) has said: “God shall grant status and esteem to a person who, upon hearing my teachings, pays heed to them, retains them in memory and conveys them to those who have not heard them.” al-Kafi, volume 1, page.403; Behar al-Anwar, volume 2, page 148 |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) has said: “Be the friend of he who may grace you, not of one whom you are better than.” (viz. make friends with ones who are higher than you so that you progress.) Behar al-Anwar, Volume76, page 267 |
http://14noor.com/forum/uploads_memb...eginning_4.jpg In the Name of Alaah {S} the Gracious the Merciful the Most High __________________________ Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) has said: “If I find someone credited with one virtue from among many virtues, I will accept him in my fold and I will forgive his lack of other virtues but I shall never forgive the lack of wisdom and faith because want of faith (religion) is want of peace (and security). Without doubt, life in fear is unpleasant and lack of wisdom is equivalent to lack of life itself and a person devoid of wisdom cannot be conceived except as a dead body.” Usoul al-Kafi, Book of Reason and Ignorance |
I really dunno wht 2 say??!!.... wht i read is amazing it's not just touched my heart nooo it also fed my mind but it's not sth new our Imams _ peace up on all of them _ had knowledge n wisdom like no other,, well down brother n i hope u would go on with writting God bless u,,, thanx
الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام الساعة الآن: 05:05 PM. بحسب توقيت النجف الأشرف |
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