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الروح الفاطمية 25-05-2011 03:16 PM

قصة السيدة رقية عليها الصلاة والسلام في الشام باللغة الانجليزية
Saydah Rogaiyah is the youngest daughter of Imam Hussein( as )

Imam Hussein is the second son of Imam Ali inb abi Talib as) the successor of prophet Mohammad (s a w) , the mother of Imam Hussein is Al-Sayidah Fatima (as) the daughter of the prophet Mohammad (s a w
After the tyrant Yazid bin Muawah has killed Imam Hessian in Tuff battle at Karbala at 61 hajaryah , the family of Imam Hussein has been taken to the Sham (Syria) as captives to Yazid's castle & including them the child Asyadh Rogayah and she was about four years old at that time
When they arrived to Sham Yazid asked his soldiers to put them in a obsolete place, the child has fall asleep and she dreamed that she saw her father Imam Hussein , suddenly waked up crying and asking her aunt al-Sayidah Zaynab (as) where is my father I want to see him.
Yazid heard the crying and he asked his men what had happen , they told him a child of Imam Hussein wants her father , so he ordered them to take her father's head to her and it was kept in a golden tray.
As soon as she saw it she curved on it and start crying after a while she stopped crying .Al-Imam Ali ibn Al –Hussein (as) noticed that and asked his aunt al-Sayidah Zaynab (as) to move the child away from her father's head as she was died .
.So she was buried there & now she has sepulcher. Anyone of Muslims Shiites visiting Al- sayidah Zaynab (as) in Damascus ought to go and visit syadiah Rogayah's tomb , many visitors used to be there daily for pray and doua .

نسألكم الدعاء

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 28-05-2011 05:01 PM

you chose well dear sister
God bless you and keep
you safe from any harm
thank you so much it's pleasure
to thank you and let you know
that your kindness will be long
good sbj really

وردة الزهراء 22-09-2011 02:51 PM

its really fantastic topic

I like it

thank u

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 01:55 AM.

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