منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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nice girl 29-08-2012 08:23 AM

pearls of wisdom
if allah bring you to it..he will bring you to it..

be yourself beautiful, and you will find the world full of beauty..

Tawakkul:make du'a , Do your best ,and leave the rest to allah.

If the first inward thought is not warded off, it will generate a desire, then the desire will generate a wish, and the wish will generate an intention, and the intention will generate the action, and the action will result in ruin and divine wrath. So evil must be cut off at its roots, whish is when it is simply a thought that crosses the mind, from which all the other things follow on

"A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death."
The really long-lived are not those who live long but those who can make their lives as fruitful as possible. In view of this standard as there may be those who though a hundred years old are truly short-lived it is also possible that there are those who though only fifteen years old have been able to attain to the highest degrees by
spending their lives in a way to give as many fruits as possible

الروح 04-09-2012 02:20 PM

God bless your

nad-ali 04-09-2012 03:58 PM

It really pearls of wisdom

Thank you very much
My dear friendnice girl

nice girl 04-09-2012 08:51 PM


الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 04:01 PM.

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