منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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-   -   زیــارة الامام الحسين -ع- .: بالأنجليزي :. (https://www.shiaali.net/vb/showthread.php?t=22462)

أبن المرجعية 07-01-2008 12:38 AM

زیــارة الامام الحسين -ع- .: بالأنجليزي :.
in the name of allah


God and the blessings of Ali Muhammad and Muhammad Sharif hastily Faraghm
Peace to you, Abu Abdullah, the son of peace you any messenger of God, peace you, you son of the faithful, and the son of Mr. guardians, the peace you any son Lady Fatima Zahra women worlds, the peace you any revenge of God and Son Tharh and string Motor, the peace you and the lives that Pfinak solved, and box me Brahlk you all peace will never stayed and stayed the night and day. any father Abdullah, has Azmath Alarzieh, vacated and the greater your misfortune on us and on all the people of Islam, vacated and Azmath Mesepetk in heaven to all the people of heaven, God Vn nation founded the basis of injustice and tyranny have you home, and cursed God for your nation and prestige Asaltkm on Mratbekm which Rtbekm God, and God cursed nation Guetltkm, God cursed them Almmahdin empowerment of Ktalkm, acquitted of God and to whom you are poorly and their followers and guardians. any father Abdullah, I Peace is Salmkm, and the war is Harbakm Wole truffles can testify, and who the enemy is Aadhakm the Day of Resurrection, and cursed God of Ziyad Al Marwan, and cursed God Umayyad all, and God cursed son Mirjana, and cursed God Omar Bin Saad, and cursed God lamps, and cursed God and the nation Asrjt checking Favourable and Tnaqbt to Ktalk, Baby You and my mother has bone invalids, you ask thy God, who Akram, Assad, your request that Irozkni Thark Mansour with the inhabitants of the House of Muhammad and God. God place me your good Balhasin for peace in the world and the Hereafter close. , Abu Abdullah, I m making to God, and His Messenger, and to the faithful, and to Fatima, and Alassane you Bmwalatk, and further Oliak and acquittal who Qatlk Monument each war, and acquittal who founded the basis of injustice and unfairness you, and the fellows and Ibra to God and His Messenger The acquittal of those foundations that basis, and built it fascinating, and was in the dark and Jourat you and fellows, acquitted to God and you are, m making to God and His Messenger, then you Bmwalatkm and further complements and, acquitted of down, and you Naspin war, and acquitted of poorly and their followers, my father Abdullah Salmkm whom I recognized, and the war is Harbakm, and the Crown is, and truffles can testify, and the enemy is Aadhakm, ask God, who Assad knowledge, and knowledge of guides, and assignment of the patent down, that leads me to you in this world and hereafter, and prove me down the truth in the world and the Hereafter, The liquefaction informs me that the place where God welcome you, and Irozkni retaliation request with the Mahdi spokesman Zahir right of you, and ask God and your right issue, which you have to give me the best donation you give afflicted Bmuseibth, What a calamity, the greatest and most Rziha in Islam and in all people of the heavens and the earth. Oh God place me in this who Tnalh your prayers and mercy and forgiveness. Make worship God and the Mohammed Saeed Mohamed, Mohamed Al dying Unamortized Mohammed. Oh God, this day Tbrki by Bani illiterate and son eat Livers, Ben fuck fuck the tongue and San Nbek blessings of God and God in every home stand and stop it Nbek - blessings of God and God -. God Anathematize father Sufian and Maaouya and over bin Marwan Al Maaouya they curse you perpetuity, and that day I by the Ziad Al Marwan they curse to kill Hussein for peace, God adding them Cussing and painful punishment. Oh God, I m making you on this day, in my position, the days of my life and acquitted them, curse them, and the favouring of Nbek Nbek and their peace

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God Arzgueni intercession Hussein for peace on roses and proved me with the sincerity of your Hussein Hussein and
owners who made without sacrificing Hussein for peace


أبن المرجعية 07-01-2008 12:43 AM


God and the blessings of Ali Muhammad and Muhammad Sharif hastily Faraghm
Peace to you, Abu Abdullah, the son of peace you any messenger of God, peace you, you son of the faithful, and the son of Mr. guardians, the peace you any son Lady Fatima Zahra women worlds, the peace you any revenge of God and Son Tharh and string Motor, the peace you and the lives that Pfinak solved, and box me Brahlk you all peace will never stayed and stayed the night and day. any father Abdullah, has Azmath Alarzieh, vacated and the greater your misfortune on us and on all the people of Islam, vacated and Azmath Mesepetk in heaven to all the people of heaven, God Vn nation founded the basis of injustice and tyranny have you home, and cursed God for your nation and prestige Asaltkm on Mratbekm which Rtbekm God, and God cursed nation Guetltkm, God cursed them Almmahdin empowerment of Ktalkm, acquitted of God and to whom you are poorly and their followers and guardians. any father Abdullah, I Peace is Salmkm, and the war is Harbakm Wole truffles can testify, and who the enemy is Aadhakm the Day of Resurrection, and cursed God of Ziyad Al Marwan, and cursed God Umayyad all, and God cursed son Mirjana, and cursed God Omar Bin Saad, and cursed God lamps, and cursed God and the nation Asrjt checking Favourable and Tnaqbt to Ktalk, Baby You and my mother has bone invalids, you ask thy God, who Akram, Assad, your request that Irozkni Thark Mansour with the inhabitants of the House of Muhammad and God. God place me your good Balhasin for peace in the world and the Hereafter close. , Abu Abdullah, I m making to God, and His Messenger, and to the faithful, and to Fatima, and Alassane you Bmwalatk, and further Oliak and acquittal who Qatlk Monument each war, and acquittal who founded the basis of injustice and unfairness you, and the fellows and Ibra to God and His Messenger The acquittal of those foundations that basis, and built it fascinating, and was in the dark and Jourat you and fellows, acquitted to God and you are, m making to God and His Messenger, then you Bmwalatkm and further complements and, acquitted of down, and you Naspin war, and acquitted of poorly and their followers, my father Abdullah Salmkm whom I recognized, and the war is Harbakm, and the Crown is, and truffles can testify, and the enemy is Aadhakm, ask God, who Assad knowledge, and knowledge of guides, and assignment of the patent down, that leads me to you in this world and hereafter, and prove me down the truth in the world and the Hereafter, The liquefaction informs me that the place where God welcome you, and Irozkni retaliation request with the Mahdi spokesman Zahir right of you, and ask God and your right issue, which you have to give me the best donation you give afflicted Bmuseibth, What a calamity, the greatest and most Rziha in Islam and in all people of the heavens and the earth. Oh God place me in this who Tnalh your prayers and mercy and forgiveness. Make worship God and the Mohammed Saeed Mohamed, Mohamed Al dying Unamortized Mohammed. Oh God, this day Tbrki by Bani illiterate and son eat Livers, Ben fuck fuck the tongue and San Nbek blessings of God and God in every home stand and stop it Nbek - blessings of God and God -. God Anathematize father Sufian and Maaouya and over bin Marwan Al Maaouya they curse you perpetuity, and that day I by the Ziad Al Marwan they curse to kill Hussein for peace, God adding them Cussing and painful punishment. Oh God, I m making you on this day, in my position, the days of my life and acquitted them, curse them, and the favouring of Nbek Nbek and their peace
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God Arzgueni intercession Hussein for peace on roses and proved me with the sincerity of your Hussein Hussein and
owners who made without sacrificing Hussein for peace

عاشقه الحسن والحسين 11-01-2008 03:04 PM


melika 11-01-2008 05:11 PM

شکراا لکم اخی ابن المرجعیه علی هذه المشارکه القیمه

فی میزان اعمالکم

وبارک الله بکم ووفقکم لکل خیر..

بغداديه 11-01-2008 09:09 PM

اخي الكريم ابن المرجعيه
شكرا جزيلا لك على هذا الموضوع القيم
جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك
مع خالص التحيات

Dove 02-02-2008 06:16 AM

اللهم ارزقنا في الدنيا زيارتهم
وفي الاخره شفاعتهم

تسلم اخوي على المجهود

ربيبة الزهـراء 02-02-2008 10:54 AM

God and the blessings of Ali Muhammad and Muhammad Sharif hastily Faraghm
Peace to you, Abu Abdullah, the son of peace you any messenger of God, peace you, you son of the faithful, and the son of Mr. guardians, the peace you any son Lady Fatima Zahra women worlds, the peace you any revenge of God and Son Tharh and string Motor, the peace you and the lives that Pfinak solved, and box me Brahlk you all peace will never stayed and stayed the night and day. any father Abdullah, has Azmath Alarzieh, vacated and the greater your misfortune on us and on all the people of Islam, vacated and Azmath Mesepetk in heaven to all the people of heaven, God Vn nation founded the basis of injustice and tyranny have you home, and cursed God for your nation and prestige Asaltkm on Mratbekm which Rtbekm God, and God cursed nation Guetltkm, God cursed them Almmahdin empowerment of Ktalkm, acquitted of God and to whom you are poorly and their followers and guardians. any father Abdullah, I Peace is Salmkm, and the war is Harbakm Wole truffles can testify, and who the enemy is Aadhakm the Day of Resurrection, and cursed God of Ziyad Al Marwan, and cursed God Umayyad all, and God cursed son Mirjana, and cursed God Omar Bin Saad, and cursed God lamps, and cursed God and the nation Asrjt checking Favourable and Tnaqbt to Ktalk, Baby You and my mother has bone invalids, you ask thy God, who Akram, Assad, your request that Irozkni Thark Mansour with the inhabitants of the House of Muhammad and God. God place me your good Balhasin for peace in the world and the Hereafter close. , Abu Abdullah, I m making to God, and His Messenger, and to the faithful, and to Fatima, and Alassane you Bmwalatk, and further Oliak and acquittal who Qatlk Monument each war, and acquittal who founded the basis of injustice and unfairness you, and the fellows and Ibra to God and His Messenger The acquittal of those foundations that basis, and built it fascinating, and was in the dark and Jourat you and fellows, acquitted to God and you are, m making to God and His Messenger, then you Bmwalatkm and further complements and, acquitted of down, and you Naspin war, and acquitted of poorly and their followers, my father Abdullah Salmkm whom I recognized, and the war is Harbakm, and the Crown is, and truffles can testify, and the enemy is Aadhakm, ask God, who Assad knowledge, and knowledge of guides, and assignment of the patent down, that leads me to you in this world and hereafter, and prove me down the truth in the world and the Hereafter, The liquefaction informs me that the place where God welcome you, and Irozkni retaliation request with the Mahdi spokesman Zahir right of you, and ask God and your right issue, which you have to give me the best donation you give afflicted Bmuseibth, What a calamity, the greatest and most Rziha in Islam and in all people of the heavens and the earth. Oh God place me in this who Tnalh your prayers and mercy and forgiveness. Make worship God and the Mohammed Saeed Mohamed, Mohamed Al dying Unamortized Mohammed. Oh God, this day Tbrki by Bani illiterate and son eat Livers, Ben fuck fuck the tongue and San Nbek blessings of God and God in every home stand and stop it Nbek - blessings of God and God -. God Anathematize father Sufian and Maaouya and over bin Marwan Al Maaouya they curse you perpetuity, and that day I by the Ziad Al Marwan they curse to kill Hussein for peace, God adding them Cussing and painful punishment. Oh God, I m making you on this day, in my position, the days of my life and acquitted them, curse them, and the favouring of Nbek Nbek and their peace
-------------------------------------------------- -------
God Arzgueni intercession Hussein for peace on roses and proved me with the sincerity of your Hussein Hussein and
owners who made without sacrificing Hussein for peace

أبن المرجعية 05-02-2008 12:41 AM

God and the blessings of Ali Muhammad and Muhammad Sharif hastily Faraghm
Peace to you, Abu Abdullah, the son of peace you any messenger of God, peace you, you son of the faithful, and the son of Mr. guardians, the peace you any son Lady Fatima Zahra women worlds, the peace you any revenge of God and Son Tharh and string Motor, the peace you and the lives that Pfinak solved, and box me Brahlk you all peace will never stayed and stayed the night and day. any father Abdullah, has Azmath Alarzieh, vacated and the greater your misfortune on us and on all the people of Islam, vacated and Azmath Mesepetk in heaven to all the people of heaven, God Vn nation founded the basis of injustice and tyranny have you home, and cursed God for your nation and prestige Asaltkm on Mratbekm which Rtbekm God, and God cursed nation Guetltkm, God cursed them Almmahdin empowerment of Ktalkm, acquitted of God and to whom you are poorly and their followers and guardians. any father Abdullah, I Peace is Salmkm, and the war is Harbakm Wole truffles can testify, and who the enemy is Aadhakm the Day of Resurrection, and cursed God of Ziyad Al Marwan, and cursed God Umayyad all, and God cursed son Mirjana, and cursed God Omar Bin Saad, and cursed God lamps, and cursed God and the nation Asrjt checking Favourable and Tnaqbt to Ktalk, Baby You and my mother has bone invalids, you ask thy God, who Akram, Assad, your request that Irozkni Thark Mansour with the inhabitants of the House of Muhammad and God. God place me your good Balhasin for peace in the world and the Hereafter close. , Abu Abdullah, I m making to God, and His Messenger, and to the faithful, and to Fatima, and Alassane you Bmwalatk, and further Oliak and acquittal who Qatlk Monument each war, and acquittal who founded the basis of injustice and unfairness you, and the fellows and Ibra to God and His Messenger The acquittal of those foundations that basis, and built it fascinating, and was in the dark and Jourat you and fellows, acquitted to God and you are, m making to God and His Messenger, then you Bmwalatkm and further complements and, acquitted of down, and you Naspin war, and acquitted of poorly and their followers, my father Abdullah Salmkm whom I recognized, and the war is Harbakm, and the Crown is, and truffles can testify, and the enemy is Aadhakm, ask God, who Assad knowledge, and knowledge of guides, and assignment of the patent down, that leads me to you in this world and hereafter, and prove me down the truth in the world and the Hereafter, The liquefaction informs me that the place where God welcome you, and Irozkni retaliation request with the Mahdi spokesman Zahir right of you, and ask God and your right issue, which you have to give me the best donation you give afflicted Bmuseibth, What a calamity, the greatest and most Rziha in Islam and in all people of the heavens and the earth. Oh God place me in this who Tnalh your prayers and mercy and forgiveness. Make worship God and the Mohammed Saeed Mohamed, Mohamed Al dying Unamortized Mohammed. Oh God, this day Tbrki by Bani illiterate and son eat Livers, Ben fuck fuck the tongue and San Nbek blessings of God and God in every home stand and stop it Nbek - blessings of God and God -. God Anathematize father Sufian and Maaouya and over bin Marwan Al Maaouya they curse you perpetuity, and that day I by the Ziad Al Marwan they curse to kill Hussein for peace, God adding them Cussing and painful punishment. Oh God, I m making you on this day, in my position, the days of my life and acquitted them, curse them, and the favouring of Nbek Nbek and their peace
-------------------------------------------------- -------
God Arzgueni intercession Hussein for peace on roses and proved me with the sincerity of your Hussein Hussein and
owners who made without sacrificing Hussein for peace

ام ذوالفقار 20-02-2008 10:12 AM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اللهم صلي على محمد على ال بيت محمد
شكرا اخي صار لي سنه احاول ان احفض ابني زيارة الحسين عليه السلام دون جدوى عندما قرئها بانكليزيه تسهلت عليه ولو كنت حابه يحفضها بالعربي وفقك الله اخي

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 04:50 PM.

بحسب توقيت النجف الأشرف

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