رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
عبد الحسن2
المنتدى :
منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
بتاريخ : 16-06-2010 الساعة : 09:26 PM
واحد وصفر
إذن عندما تصعد للرقم 10 تصل إلى ربهم رمز الخنثى الخاص بهم
ولكن إذا توقفت عند الرقم 9 وتعديته إلى الرقم 11 أي تعديت الإله..إذن أنت تعد من عبدة إبليس.
إذن رقم 11 هو رقم الساحر.
إنه يرمز إلى الخطوة التي تنقلك 9+1+1=11
بعدما تنهي كل خطوات شجرة الحياة وتجعلك ساحراً..أنت واحد فوق الشجرة
ولكن هم يقومون بذلك عن طريق تخطي الإله
وهذه هي رمزية أحداث الحادي عشر من سبتمبر
انتهى المقطع---
11 – 9 ترمز إلى تحديهم الرقمي لله في معتقداتهم
مشهد من ما تركس:
هاقد بدأنا
The Arrivals - pt. 43 “The Symbolism of 9-11”
The Arrivals: Pt 43
These are back doors aren't they? Programmer exits!?. How do they work? The code is hidden in tumbles?! One position opens a lock. Another position opens one of these doors.
We understand that the following information will be difficult to comprehend... But nonetheless, we believe it is highly important to understanding the big picture of how our enemies work. By now you should have understood that the illuminati and the elite practice secret arts and rituals. The reason they do this is beacuse to achieve their goals, they have to play along to the laws and regulations of the universe. They and their master (satan) will never be superior to these laws, and none of them will ever deny that... So they perform these rituals, and control these lay line energy points to use these laws to their advantage. What you have to understand is that the tool is not the bad thing, but only the intentions behind how it is used, is what can be interpreted as good or bad. A vortex point can be used to channel positive or negative energy hence the vortex is not evil, but how it is used could be. Your computer is not evil, but it could be used for that... So we shouldn't directly jump to accuse the tool of being evil. For example pyramids on their own are not evil. But do you know why the elite prefer to use them. Ancient Egypt. Because when it comes to energy, pyramids are very effective on vortex points, because they have specific elements that can bend space & time. Pyramid from top view. So the elite, past and present, perform dark rituals within them to channel down dark energy. The more darkness there is the more they and these demon jinn are in control. The more light there is, the more positivity, goodness, and angelic presence we will have. Do you now understand the battle of energy? You better, because they are stopping at nothing to keep the energy on earth as dark as possible. Do you know what happened on sept. 11th, and do you know why? Several theories point to the conclusion that 9-11 was actually a mega ritual. Used to invoke the darkest of energies... To recognize a ritual, you have to realize that everything adds up, that everything has to be perfect. And this is why we also believe that 9-11 was a mega ritual.
As Ralph Ellis explains, the first degree tracing board, is a representation, of Solomon's temple. Solomon's temple being modelled after Giza. This is also a representation of the Giza plateu. The three pillars being the three greater pyramids of Giza and the two cubes being the plugs or the doors of the pyramid and I would further speculate the symbol of the double square of the King's chamber floor plan. Inside every masonic lodge you're likely to find, two pillars of Solomon's temple and the five pointed or blazing star, it seems highly unlikely to my mind that it is a mere coincidence that these are the same elements we see at play in the 9-11 event. My current belief system views what happened on that day as a mega ritual. When the symbolic pillars came down on 9-11 the holiest of holies was revealed. Isis was unveiled. If we think of the towers as the pillars of Hercules then what was revealed was the new atlantis. We find another related and valid symbol system in the Kabbalah. Here the world trade center represents the left and the right pillar. The middle pillar being formed by the space in between and representing amongst other things cosmic illumination or higher consciousness. The middle pillar can also be viewed as world trade center 7. we then have all three the pillars of the first degree tracing board representing Solomon's temple and its turn the three major pyramids of Giza evoked during the 9-11 mega ritual. Which brings us to my current preferred ****phor for higher consciousness the stargate.
Do you know what was built at the center between the twin towers? And more importantly do you know why? This coorporate sculpture which used to stand in between the twin towers is called “the spherical cariatid?!” It was made by artist Fritz Kunich, and was nicknamed the sphere. Let's have a quick look at earth's consensus library entry about this piece and see what we can learn. We see that Kunich made this thing in Bavaria. The same place where the illuminati was founded. The most interesting fact about placement of the sphere at the world trade center plaza has to be that architect and designer of the world trade center minoro yamazaki?! intended the plaza itself to be a representation of the grand mosque of mecca the sphere in particular taking the place of the Kaaba. You will soon find out why the Kaaba. We should also bear in mind in this regard the great pyramid has the ratio of pi encoded mathematically in its design. The ben-ben the obelisk the pyramid the circle and the sphere are thus all intimately connected. Ralph Ellis further speculates in Eden and Egypt that the precessional rituals of the muslims during the Hajj are directly decended from the rituals involving the circling of the great pyramid of Giza. This is why I believe the sphere was set to rotate every twenty four hours at the world trade center plaza. It was mimicking the precessional rituals at the Kaaba, and at the great pyramid of Giza. Now this film-maker, like most others draws the wrong conclusions when it comes to understanding religion and religious rituals. When people research the occult they realize that their rituals, dates, themes, and beliefs correlate with those of religion. Except that they each serve opposite interests. And although each have opposite aims, these similarities is what draws most researchers to conclude that religion is a creation of the occult..And religious practices are based on those of the occult.. When in essence it is the complete opposite. And I believe that only someone who has really studied and understood religion, can be able to give the most accurate analysis of these occult societies and their practices. Because the occult did not create the laws of the universe, instead like religions, they are governed by them. So when we realize a similarity only confirms the true messages of the prophets. Such discoveries only confirm the words of God. You see the occult members never deny the existence of God, but instead have chosen to follow Satan. Do you know why? Because like all the followers of Satan, they have been deceived.
For the religion of the mystery schools, believe that men was held prisoner in the Garden of Eden by an unjust and vindictive God and man was not told by this unjust and vindictive God that he could have the same power and man was set free from the bond of ignorance by lucifer through his agent satan and many believe that the two are the same but that's ok because maybe they are and that through the gift of intellect man himself will become God. That is the great deception we are all being fed today on a massive scale. And its due to these satanic teachings that these occult societies proudly challenge God in the name of Satan. In all of their efforts. When the Titanic left it was declared the unsinkable ship. If you do that Allah will sink it. !?!?!?!?!?!? When they made the challanger now you don't tell ?!!?!? It is a very bad word. Whom are they challanging? Their sending an object into space. Who are you challanging? Challanging who? Allah subhanllahu teala ?!?! and look what happened it will just blow you up. That's what Allah will do to ?! İt will just blow you up. And then they say oh it is a tragedy the seventh grade teacher riding on raw technology, they've put a seventh grade teacher into raw technology thinking that they are ?!?!?!?! they've thought the people will become so deluded allah says in sura!? They will become so deluded that they think they are all powerful over the earth. Right so they take on the challanger ?!?!!?!?!??!?!?! we'll see how long the challange lasts.
So as we start to look into the numerology what we're looking at is the tree of life and this is something that the magicians use and what I believe to be a map of the extra dimensions. So as you are looking into this map there are ten spots on it and they are called the sephiroth and within these sepiroth's you have you're trinity at the top so this is this is all the one looking at itself and creating a reflection. You go up from the bottom up to the top you have ten points. Ten being God. Ten being the hermaphroditic symbol; one and zero. So as you come up to ten that is their god. That is ten. That is the hermaphrodite. But if you stop at nine and you skip to eleven, skipping God then you are a luciferian. Because 11 is the number of the magician. It's the one step above once you have accomplished the tree of life you are now the magician you are one above ten. But their doing it by skipping God. That's the symbolism of 9-11. 9-11 is the numerological challenge of God in their beliefs. Here we go. To be continued inshallah... A Noreaga & Achernahr Production.