عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية عبد الحسن2
عبد الحسن2
رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا

عبد الحسن2 غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور عبد الحسن2

  مشاركة رقم : 10  
كاتب الموضوع : عبد الحسن2 المنتدى : منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
قديم بتاريخ : 17-06-2010 الساعة : 07:18 AM

The Arrivals - pt. 46 “The Complete Human”

The Arrivals pt. 46

lets get free



who you fighting for ?

I'm not a hunter but I've been told, that in places like in the arctic where indigenous people sometimes might hunt a wolf, they'll take a double edged blade and they'll put blood on the blade and they'll melt the ice and stick the handle in the ice so that only the blade is petruding!? and that a wolf will smell the heat and come and lick the blade trying to eat. And what happens when the wolf licks the blade of course he cuts his tounge and he bleeds and he thinks he is really having a good one. He drinks and he lick and he licks of course he is drinking his own blood and he kills himself. That's what the imperialists did to us with crack-cocaine. You've got these young brothers thinking that they are getting something they are going to make a living with. They are getting something they can buy a car like the white people have cars. Why can't I have a car? They are getting something they can get a piece of Gold. The white people have gold why can't I have Gold? They are getting something a house. The white people have a house why can't I have a house and they actually think that there is something bringing resources to them but their telling themselves just like the wolf was licking the blade and they are slowly dying without knowing. That's whats happening to the community? You with me on that? That's exactly precisely what's happening to the community. And instead of blaming the hunter who put the damn handle and the blade in the ice for the wolf, what happens is the wolf gets blamed for trying to live. That's what's happening in our community. You don't blame the person the victim, the blame the opressor. Imperialism, white power is the enemy, was the enemy, when it first came to Africa snatched up the first african brothers here against our will. Is the enemy today, that's the thing that we have to understand.

By now you should be able to see the big picture. You see the system for what it is... You've awakened to the truth... and whether you like it or not, your life is going to change... I can't go back, can I? No... But if you could... Would you really want to? The information given to you was not for entertainment. IT was given for you to spread, and for you to prepare yourself for what is to come... This is your life we're talking about.. You need to look deep within yourself and understand your true essence. The only person that can prepare you for the future is you... I'm trying to free your mind... But I can only show you the door... You're the one that has to go through it... We'll try our best to educate and inform... Take what we share as advice and education... the truth lies within... There will be many battles between those who oppress and the rest of us... However, the most immediate battle (and one they are winning) is the battle for your soul... To master yourself, you must first understand your essence. Because your enemy knows you better than you know yourself. You see as wars will come and go, the war for your mind, body, and soul will never end. And this is why each of you are involved. And why each of you should be prepared. So what are you? A soul within a body. Well what does that mean? The human body, is the only body, that when stretched out, fits perfectly within a square and a circle. You need to understand. The square represents the physical realm. The circle represents the spiritual realm. And we are going to teach you how you can only achieve your potential, by achieving harmony between both. The eastern spiritual schools, discuss 7 chakras, however we will only focus on 5. The sacral chakra, deals generally with your sexual energy. In Islam, there is the concept of “halal” and “haram”, or “blessed” and “forbidden” by God. In most occasions, certain practices can be either “blessed” or “forbidden” depending on their situation... So sex, for example, is forbidden, unless it takes palce within a marriage, the it is considered a blessing. The sacral chakra can only produce healthy energy, when enriched under the appropriate marital enviroment. Therefor pre-marital relations are discouraged, while marriage is encouraged, and should be embraced by all communities and societies. The Navel chakra, is located next to your stomach, and it deals with personal power, & storage of the life force (prana). To build you life force correctly, you must eat healthy and natural foods. What you and your family eat, should come from an honest living, for it to be “blessed”. Eating from money made illgitimately will only harm your soul. The heart chakra deals with compassion, love, respect, and emotional fulfillment. And such can be achieved through healthy relationships, and love and harmony between people. The prophet mohammed (pbuh) said he was sent to compliment and complete the teachings of courtesy and good behavior, that were taught by Jesus and the other prophets. Only through compassion can we grow healthy as a society. The throat chakra deals with communication and self expression. The Holy Quran teaches in 103:2-3 Verily Man is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and recommend truth and recommend patience... And finally, the crown chakra deals with wisdom, Intuition, awareness, and spirituality. Only by enriching each of these chakras in the right way, can you reach your potential as a human being. Therefor one must invest and enrich all their physical, mental, and emotional requirements into the righteous path. To grow spiritually and become a master of yourself. Only then can you reach your potential... Only then can you become a complete human. And the Illuminati knows this... The battle they have been conducting deals specifically with this... It is no coincidence that their targets are the very same chakras we've discussed... One by one, they've attacked your chakras in the very order they exist. To reach enlightenment, one must raise his/her energy to travel up the chakras, from the lowest being the sacral, to the highest being the crown. They feed you this. For the naval chakra... They feed you this. For the heart chakra. They direct your emotions at unworthy causes. For the throat chakra. These are the lies they teach. The heart of god! For the crown chakra... They feed you this... media mind control. Mk-ultra. H.A.A.R.P. Operation mind control. One of their biggest fears is you winning the battle over each of these chakras, and ultimately, winning the battle for your soul... This is because when all of our chakras are aligned and enhanced correctly, a new chakra is born above the crown. One they cannot touch.. One which culminates the free soul... and they know that one free soul gains the ability to free others... And one by one, their system can begin to collapse. But it all begins with a choice right here and right now. To remain an incomplete slave or to become a complete human. A Noreaga & Achernahr Production

to be continued inshallah...



توقيع : عبد الحسن2
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
" فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ "
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
إمام زماني حجة الله
المستبصر عبد الحسن
من مواضيع : عبد الحسن2 0 مشروع تجريم مشايخ التكفير ومنعهم من دخول الإتحاد الأوروبي
0 حوار حول أحاديث الدجال في مصادر الفريقين
0 تم تفريغ سلسلة القادمون في منتدى الامام المهدي
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الخامس والأخير
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الرابع
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