شيعي علوي
رقم العضوية : 64699
الإنتساب : Mar 2011
المشاركات : 4,121
بمعدل : 0.81 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
قصة السيدة رقية عليها الصلاة والسلام في الشام باللغة الانجليزية
بتاريخ : 25-05-2011 الساعة : 03:16 PM
 Saydah Rogaiyah is the youngest daughter of Imam Hussein( as )
Imam Hussein is the second son of Imam Ali inb abi Talib as) the successor of prophet Mohammad (s a w) , the mother of Imam Hussein is Al-Sayidah Fatima (as) the daughter of the prophet Mohammad (s a w
After the tyrant Yazid bin Muawah has killed Imam Hessian in Tuff battle at Karbala at 61 hajaryah , the family of Imam Hussein has been taken to the Sham (Syria) as captives to Yazid's castle & including them the child Asyadh Rogayah and she was about four years old at that time
When they arrived to Sham Yazid asked his soldiers to put them in a obsolete place, the child has fall asleep and she dreamed that she saw her father Imam Hussein , suddenly waked up crying and asking her aunt al-Sayidah Zaynab (as) where is my father I want to see him.
Yazid heard the crying and he asked his men what had happen , they told him a child of Imam Hussein wants her father , so he ordered them to take her father's head to her and it was kept in a golden tray.
As soon as she saw it she curved on it and start crying after a while she stopped crying .Al-Imam Ali ibn Al –Hussein (as) noticed that and asked his aunt al-Sayidah Zaynab (as) to move the child away from her father's head as she was died .
.So she was buried there & now she has sepulcher. Anyone of Muslims Shiites visiting Al- sayidah Zaynab (as) in Damascus ought to go and visit syadiah Rogayah's tomb , many visitors used to be there daily for pray and doua .
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