شيعي محمدي
رقم العضوية : 141
الإنتساب : Aug 2006
المشاركات : 3,118
بمعدل : 0.46 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
محمد الشرقي
المنتدى :
المنتدى العلمي والتقني
بتاريخ : 19-08-2006 الساعة : 11:17 PM
For decoding MP1 and MP2 audio.
MP1/MP2 (MainConcept) [version] # #
For decoding MP1 and MP2 audio.
Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version] #
For decoding Vorbis audio. This decoder is recommended above the ffdshow Vorbis decoder.
AAC (CoreAAC) [version] #
For decoding AAC audio.
AAC (3ivX Pro) [version D4 4.5.1] #
For decoding AAC audio.
MusePack [version]
For decoding MusePack audio files (.mpc).
Monkey's Audio [version 1.00]
For decoding Monkey's audio files (.ape).
WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.0.3]
For decoding WavPack audio files (.wv).
FLAC (illiminable) [version 0.71.0946]
For decoding FLAC audio files (.flac).
Voxware ****Sound [version]
For decoding Voxware ****Sound audio.
AAC encoder (3ivX Pro) [version D4 4.5.1]
DirectShow encoder for AAC audio.
ACM audio codecs:
MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version 3.3.2]
This can be used to encode MP3 streams/files.
MP3 (LAME) [version 3.97b2]
This can be used to encode MP3 streams/files.
AC3 (ffcHandler) [version 1.2]
Required for opening movies that have an AC3 audio stream in applications like VirtualDub.
DivX Audio [version]
Some DivX 3.11 videos use this audio codec.
DirectShow source filters:
MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version] #
For opening audio and video streams in a MP4 container (.mp4 files).
MP4 splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [build 2006-02-25] #
For opening audio and video streams in a MP4 container (.mp4 files).
Matroska splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [build 2006-02-25] #
For opening audio and video streams in a Matroska container (.mkv and .mka files).
Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version] #
For opening audio and video streams in a Matroska container (.mkv and .mka files).
Ogg splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [build 2006-02-25] #
For opening audio and video streams in an Ogg container (.ogm and .ogg files).
Ogg splitter (OggDS) [version] and Ogg Vorbis DLLs [aoTuVb 4.51] #
For opening audio and video streams in an Ogg container (.ogm and .ogg files).
FLV splitter (Gabest) [version] #
For opening audio and video streams in a FLV container (.flv files).
MPEG demuxer (Elecard) [version] #
MPEG demuxer (Gabest) [version] #
MPEG demuxer (MainConcept) [version] #
MPEG demuxer (Ligos) [version] #
For opening audio and streams in a MPEG container. Windows already has a MPEG demuxer by default so normally you won't really need these. The Ligos demuxer only works in combination with the Ligos decoder.
SHOUTcast Source [version]
This can be used to play SHOUTcast streams.
DirectShow subtitle filter:
DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.37]
DirectVobSub is a filter for displaying subtitles (ssa/ass, srt and vobsub). Your subtitle file(s) should have the same filename as your video file (for example: MovieName.avi - MovieName.idx - MovieName.sub) and should be in the same folder as your video file. Then the subtitles will automatically be displayed in most players.
DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33]
See above. Use this version if you have problems when using version 2.37.
DirectShow audio filters (general purpose):
Matrix Mixer [version 0.30b]
Matrix Mixer can be used to amplify the sound of a video file. It also can mix stereo sound to multiple channels (useful for 4.1 and higher speaker sets).
This filter is may cause playback problems, so it is NOT recommended to install this filter. Don't install this if you use AviSynth, Windows Media Encoder, or when you transcode files.
Morgan Multimedia Stream Switcher [version 0.9.9] #
Morgan Multimedia Stream Switcher can be used to switch between audio streams in an AVI video file that has multiple audio streams. These types of video files are not very common. Both Media Player Classic and BSplayer have this functionality build-in. This means that you do NOT need this filter if you use one of those players.
This filter is known to cause various playback problems, so it is NOT recommended to install this filter.
DC-DSP Filter [version 1.03]
This is an audio processing filter specially for DirectShow capable players (like Media Player Classic, BSplayer and Windows Media Player). It also supports Winamp visualisation and DSP plugins. To be used by advanced users only. DirectX 9 is required.
This filter is may cause playback problems, so it is NOT recommended to install this filter.
Encoding tools:
LAME CLI and DLL [version 3.97b2]
Installs LAME CLI (command line interface) and DLL. These can be used by programs like ExactAudioCopy to encode MP3 files.
LameDropXPd [version 3.97b2]
This tool can be used to encode MP3 files.
GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.52 beta 1 build 2004-09-15]
GSpot is a tool that can tell you exactly which codecs are needed to play AVI and MPEG files. It can also perform a render test (for all types video files) that shows you which filters are being used to play that file.
Sherlock [version 2.0]
With this tool you can generate a list of all installed filters and codecs. This list can be saved as a text-file.
VobSubStrip [version 0.11]
With this tool you can strip languages from VobSub subtitle files (.idx and .sub files).
GraphEdit [build 041201]
GraphEdit is a visual tool for building and testing DirectShow filter graphs.
MMCompView [version 1.10]
This tool shows a list of all installed filters and codecs. It also allows you to enable or disable them.
AVI Fixed [version 2.0b1]
This tool can rebuild the index section of .avi files. This can make files with broken frames playable. In some cases it will also solve synchronisation problems and incorrectly displayed movie lengths.
FourCC Changer
The FourCC (Four Character Code) Changer is a program for changing the FourCC of a video file, which is used to identify which codec should be used to decode the file. This tool is for expert users only.
Bitrate Calculator
This can be used to calculate the bitrate to use when encoding a movie.
