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افتراضي كيفية البحث في الرسائل داخل اميل الياهو How to Search for Messages in Yahoo! Mail
قديم بتاريخ : 08-08-2012 الساعة : 02:49 AM

How to Search for Messages in Yahoo! Mail

كيفية البحث في الرسائل داخل اميل الياهو

Often, I know I read something in some email message, but I have no idea which message it was, or where I can find it. Fortunately, Yahoo! Mail has a powerful search engine included that you can use to look for emails.
Search for Messages in Yahoo! Mail

To find mail in Yahoo! Mail:
  • Type your query into the search box at the top.
    • You can search for an exact quote by surrounding your terms with quotations marks. Type '"melodic enthusiasm"' (including the inner but not the outer quotation marks), for example, to find messages containing "melodic enthusiasm" as a phrase.
    • See below for operators to search specific email fields.
  • Hit Enter or click Search Mail.

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