محـــــاور عقائدي
رقم العضوية : 20228
الإنتساب : Jul 2008
المشاركات : 3,427
بمعدل : 0.56 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
Smart & Funny ticket excuse
بتاريخ : 12-11-2012 الساعة : 10:23 AM
In the name of Allah
Smart & Funny ticket excuse
A man was driving home late one afternoon, and he was driving above the speed limit. He notices a police car with its red lights on in his rear view mirror.
He thinks ... I can outrun this guy, so he floors it and the race is on. The cars are racing down the highway — 60, 70, 80, 90 miles an hour. Finally, as his speedometer passes 100, the guy figures he can’t outrun the cop and gives up. He pulls over to the
The police officer gets out of his cruiser and approaches the car. He leans down and says Listen mister, I’ve had a really lousy day and I just want to go home. Give me a good excuse and I’ll let you go
The man thought for a moment and said Three weeks ago, my wife ran off with a police officer. When I saw your cruiser in my rear view mirror, I thought you were that officer and you were trying to give her back to me!
Hope you like it as I did
Karbalaeya Hossaineya