محـــــاور عقائدي
رقم العضوية : 20228
الإنتساب : Jul 2008
المشاركات : 3,427
بمعدل : 0.56 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
The Anniversary Of the Martyrdom of Imam Al Hassan Son Of Ali AS
بتاريخ : 21-12-2012 الساعة : 08:27 PM
In Name Of Allah The Source Of Mercy To All Of Creation; The Source Of The Mercy To The Believing Congregation. Oh Allah Bless Muhammad's Soul, And Rain Down Peace on His Household
A Purified and Infallible vicegerent of ALLAH (swt).
By: Brother Ali Ja’afary.
As history has often taught us, there are many lessons in life that come about in important events. Some events live in the hearts and minds of nations for century after century, and some very significant and most important events will live in the hearts and minds of mankind until Doomsday. Usually these kinds of events have either a very intellectual, divine and spiritual essence to them, or they are of inhumane atrocities and tragedies, that shocked the human race and many of the most remembered events contain both.
ALLAH (swt) says: “In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding”. (The Holy Qur’an 12 Yusuf-111).
If we examine the straight Path of the infallibles and purified ones among human beings, we quickly realize that their lives contained multitudes of lessons for humans who yearn to be close to their LORD ALLAH (swt). The stories of the lives of all our Prophets (a-s) are perfect examples of this; in fact it is by investigating all of the Prophets (a-s) extraordinary and amazing piety, knowledge, worship, ethics, merits, characteristics, etc… that we truly realize their infallibility and pureness. It is through the veracious episodes of their lives, that confirm their superiority over all of the rest of humankind, this is what fills man’s heart and soul with FAITH, and once man obtains faith, it becomes clear to him that in order to be close and near his most beloved LORD; ALLAH (swt) he must obey and follow ALLAH (swt), his Prophets (a-s) and those for whom he sent to us as authority. In fact, the one who fails to do so also fails to follow the Straight Path that leads to salvation and eternal felicity. In other words one’s FAITH cannot be completed without following this very simple and logical rule.
“O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it to Allah and the Apostle, if you believe in Allah and the last day; this is better and very good in the end”. (The Noble Qur’an 4 An-Nisa -59)
Surely, one who has studied the history and life story of Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba (a-s) cannot deny that he was truly a divinely chosen authority for mankind, for all aspects of this great Holy Imam’s (a-s) life show only indisputable proof that he (a-s) was of an essence higher than any other person of his time, and had truly a special patience, piety, knowledge, etc… that was only found in the greatest servants (Prophets (a-s) and Imams (a-s)) of ALLAH (swt) that were sent to us as authority, in this short article we will investigate only 3 points of the many great attributes and characteristics of Imam Hasan (a-s). This brief article’s purpose is as always, in hopes to achieve closeness and nearness to ALLAH (swt) and to encourage all our readers to investigate and study the great life of this Holy Infallible Imam; Imam Hasan (a-s) as well as the lives of all the 14 infallibles of the Ahlul-Bayt (a-s).
