محـــــاور عقائدي
رقم العضوية : 20228
الإنتساب : Jul 2008
المشاركات : 3,427
بمعدل : 0.56 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
كربلائية حسينية
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
بتاريخ : 21-12-2012 الساعة : 08:32 PM
An epistle on the Source of Power:
have received your letter. Only because you referred to the perplexity of you and those who passed, I will explain the question to you. He who does not believe in the fact that ALLAH (swt) has full acquaintance with the good and the evil of the fate is a disbeliever. He who refers the doing of the acts of disobedience to HIM is sinful. ALLAH has not been obeyed by force and has not been defied due to HIS being overcome. HE has not respited the servants uselessly. ALLAH (swt) is surely the possessor of what HE has given to them in possession and controls what HE has empowered. HIS commandments are optional and HIS warnings are means of caution. If the servants cling to the obedience to ALLAH, they will not find any barrier in their way and if they disobey, ALLAH (swt) may do them favour by precluding them from doing such acts of disobediences. If HE does not do, then it is not HE who encourages them committing so by force or compulsorily. On the contrary, HE does them the favour of informing, advising, warning, ordering and telling them not to do so. HE does not frame them to obey HIM like the Angels and does not oblige them to commit acts of disobedience to HIM. Final authority belongs only to ALLAH (swt). Had HE wanted, HE would have given you all guidance. Peace be upon those who follow the right guidance. (Tuhaf Al-Uquul, Maxims of Imam Hasan (a-s))
A man asked Imam Hasan (a-s): “What are those ten things that are harder than each other?” Imam Hasan (a-s) answered: “ALLAH (swt) has made the stone hard and made iron harder than it; because iron breaks the stone, and fire is stronger than iron because it melts the iron, water is more powerful than fire because it extinguishes the fire, the cloud is more powerful because it has control over the water; wind is more powerful than the cloud because it moves the cloud, more powerful than the wind is the Angel who controls the wind, more powerful than this Angel is the Angel of Death who can capture his soul. Death is more powerful than the Angel of Death for he himself would be subjected to death. More powerful than death is the command of ALLAH (swt), as by this death arrives and is warded off”. (Akhlaq-e-Aaimma, by Sayyed Zafar Hasan Amrohi (r-d) / Tuhaf-Al-Uquul, by: Abu Mohammad Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Hussayn bin Shu’ba Al-Harrani (r-a)).
