عرض مشاركة واحدة

قلم البرهان
عضو متواجد
رقم العضوية : 80025
الإنتساب : Nov 2013
المشاركات : 86
بمعدل : 0.02 يوميا

قلم البرهان غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور قلم البرهان

  مشاركة رقم : 2  
كاتب الموضوع : قلم البرهان المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
قديم بتاريخ : 26-02-2014 الساعة : 08:01 AM


Shia Rights Watch was informed of the recent decision of Bahraini court to execute ( hang until die) one and jail several civilians because of their involvement in the pro-democracy and reform peaceful protects.

The organization expresses strong opposition to the decision and believes Bahrain courts do not follow international standards and does not meet qualification criteria. This sectarian and violent decision must be prevented from implementation and the court has to provide enough evidence in order to even prove the guiltiness of the detainees.

The government abuses laws, torture and kills innocent people because they demand reform and equality. Although the king claimed reform, his actions, and the government’s decisions to arrest and execute peaceful protestors proves that the government is not interested in any political, social and economic reform. The act of the government is resulting is increase of sectarian conflicts, and distrust between followers of different sects in this country.

SRW believes the Bahraini government has committed all possible crimes against its citizen and must be held responsible in international human rights courts.


من مواضيع : قلم البرهان 0 بيان المرجع الشيرازي في العشرة المهدوية، معرفة الإمام والظهور المقدس
0 مرجعية النجف تفند هقرطات أكاذيب حزب الدعوة
0 ساسة العراق .. حقائق ومآسي
0 جمعية الوفاق الليبرالية لا تؤبن الشهداء وتؤبن المرتزقة!
0 تفاصيل شهادة السيد محمد رضا الشيرازي