عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية melika
شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 480
الإنتساب : Oct 2006
المشاركات : 18,076
بمعدل : 2.69 يوميا

melika غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور melika

  مشاركة رقم : 2  
كاتب الموضوع : melika المنتدى : المنتدى العام
قديم بتاريخ : 14-02-2007 الساعة : 08:47 PM

And with which Thou hath created the Moon, and made the moon of light; and with which Thou hath created heavenly bodies, and made them fixed stars and planets, and lamps for guidance at night, and as a means of decoration, and missiles for driving away the devils, and hath created for them east and west, and hath created for them the places of ascendancy and orbits, and created for them a firmament and sphere, and fixed for them stages in the heave - and how beautiful the stages - and shaped the stars - and how beautiful the shapes - and made them stable through Thy Name; and Thy Wisdom Thou designed a system for them - and what a good system, and controlled the heavenly bodies through the king of the night and the king of day, and through hours, making them a means for the reckoning of years and counting, making appearance of heavenly bodies regular and universal.
And I beseech Thee, O Allah, through Thy Glory, with which Thou addressed Thy slave and Thy Messenger, Moses son of 'Imran peace be on him, while he was in the company of angels - which address even the favourite cherubin could not ever hear, above the clouds of light, above the box of evidence, with in the pillar of fire on Mount Sinai, and on Mount Hurith in the Holy Vale in the sacred tract of land to the right of Taurus Mountain-through a tree; and again addressed him on the soil of Egypt, after showing nine clear signs and on the day Thou split the sea for the Children of Israel, and caused springs to flow from a stone, thereby displaying wonders of Thy might in a deep sea; and on the day when Thou

من مواضيع : melika 0 سلیمانی فینا ونحن ....................فیه
0 بكل وقاحة ... أكاديمي كويتي يحرّض السعودية للتدخل عسكرياَ في العراق !
0 استنكار شديد لاستهتار شاعر سعودي بالقرأن الكريم
0 هنیئا لکل العرب والمسلمین ...
0 هذه الفيتامينات تعزّز القدرات العقلية…لا تهملوها!
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