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الصورة الرمزية عشق فاطمي
عشق فاطمي
شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 23
الإنتساب : Jul 2006
المشاركات : 8,626
بمعدل : 1.27 يوميا

عشق فاطمي غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور عشق فاطمي

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العام
Smile somebody
قديم بتاريخ : 15-05-2008 الساعة : 09:44 PM


You, do you remember me?
Like I remember you?
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time?
' Cause I, I walk the streets alone
I hate bein' on my own
And everyone can see that I really fell
And I'm going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you
every single night
Somebody can't breath
without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody's Me

How, how could we go wrong?
It was so good and now it's gone
And I pray at night that our
paths soon will cross
And what we had isn't lost
Cause you're always right
here in my thoughts

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you
every single night
Somebody can't breath
without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that someday you will see
That Somebody's Me
Ohh ya

You'll always be in my life
Even if I'm not in your life
Because you're in my memory
You,when you remember me
And before you set me free
Oh listen please

all my sweet wishes

توقيع : عشق فاطمي
من مواضيع : عشق فاطمي 0 أي لون من الاصدقاء أنت!!
0 مرض الكواساكي
0 اعترف خطير جدا من ابن تيمية !!
0 سرقوا فضائل أهل البيت والآن أدعيتهم !!
0 نزار قباني والحسين سلام الله عليه
رد مع اقتباس

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الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 09:30 AM.

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