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رقم العضوية : 48164
الإنتساب : Feb 2010
المشاركات : 561
بمعدل : 0.10 يوميا

احمد14 غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور احمد14

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العلمي والتقني
افتراضي من برامج الحماية
قديم بتاريخ : 05-03-2010 الساعة : 04:27 AM


avast! Antivirus Pro & Internet Security 5.0.447 Ml

Title: avast! Antivirus Pro & Internet Security 5.0.447
Category: Programs
Developer: avast
Year: 2010
About the program: Avast! - Anti-virus software that can find viruses on the PC hard disk, in his memory, boot sectors, etc. Supported virus scan in the letters, there is a script blocker. Virus database is constantly updated and can be downloaded via the Internet. Avast! has a simple and understandable interface with skins support. Available in two versions - Home Edition (free for private use) and Professional Edition (fee required for organizations).

Main features of the free version of avast! 5.0
• High-performance virus scanning module
• Protection against rootkits
• Protection against spyware
• Russian interface

The main components of avast! Free Antivirus 5.0
• Display a file system - the main component of the scanner in real time avast!. He keeps track of all files and programs on your computer
• Screen-mail monitors all traffic programs for e-mail and scans all emails before they reach your computer, thus preventing possible damage.
• Web-screen analyzes all your actions when visiting Web sites on the Internet and to prevent any threats before they zametit your web browser
• The screen monitors P2P download most applications, P2P (peering programs), virtually all neutralizing the security risks associated with this type of program
• Screen Internet chat intercepts all downloads of applications for instant messaging (ICQ, etc.) and checks them for viruses
• Firewall avast antivirus monitors all network activity and blocks viruses that try to infect your system through the network. In addition, the screen is blocking access to known malicious Web sites
• The screen monitors the system behavior for suspicious behavior, ***** the user of any unusual activity

من مواضيع : احمد14 0 مظاهرات في المغرب تدعو الى اسقاط الحكومة
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0 الاسد يحكم سوريا بالرصاص والدم
0 اليابانيون ينتحرون على ابواب فوكوشيما
0 الازدواجيه في الاعلام تجاه الاحداث في العالم العربي الاسلامي
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