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الصورة الرمزية النور الحسيني
النور الحسيني
عضو برونزي
رقم العضوية : 58
الإنتساب : Jul 2006
المشاركات : 256
بمعدل : 0.04 يوميا

النور الحسيني غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور النور الحسيني

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العلمي والتقني
افتراضي Avant Browser 11.0 أقوى وأسرع متصفح بالعالم والذي تفوق على أكسبلورر 7 الجديد
قديم بتاريخ : 20-10-2006 الساعة : 04:36 PM

Avant Browser 11.0
Build 21

**** الجديد أسرع واقوى واسهل متصفح بالعالم****

يضاهي الأنترنت اكسبلورر 7 والفايرفوكس والعديد من باقي المتصفحات.

مصنف خمس نجوم.

****أنا شخصيا أعتمد عليه 100% في تصفحي الأنترنت..****

Latest Release: Avant Browser 11.0 build 21, 10.18.2006

Have you ever tried surfing with a tabbed ****** browser?

Try Avant Browser, the top rated multi-window browser in Internet, which adds a batch of features and functionalities to Internet Explorer. Avant Browser is the fastest ****** browser on Earth. Its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Now, Avant Browser is available in 41 languages.</SPAN>
Avant Browser is freeware. That's right. 100% Free! No cost to you ever. No limitations. No Adware. No Spyware. You can donate if you want, but it's certainly not required.


Top Rated Features of Avant BrowserFlash

Animation Filter: More than 85% of all flash animations on ****** pages are advertising. These flash files are pretty large, and normally take up to 90% of the size of the page you're visiting. With Avant Browser you can save the bandwidth by blocking the download of these flash files with just one easy click. Avant Browser also provides options to block downloads of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components. With these options users can control their bandwidth and speed up page loading.
Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker: Easily eliminate unwanted AD banners and pop-up pages automatically with just one click.
Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader: Avant Browser has a built-in RSS/ATOM Reader, which allows you to read RSS/ATOM feeds just like browsing ****** pages. And you can also keep your favorite feeds as bookmarks.
Additional Mouse Functions: If you click a link in the ****** page with the middle mouse button, the link will be opened in a new window in the background. This feature is extremely useful for opening posts in forums. Avant Browser also comes with customizable Mouse Gestures, with which you can easily navigate the browser by moving the mouse.
Multi-Window Browsing: Browse multiple ****** pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily stopped, refreshed, closed or arranged with one click.
Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode: When you enable Full Screen Mode, all you see is the ******space, with no toolbars or other clutter. They are simply autohidden! Move your mouse over the top or bottom and find the toolbar and tab bar respectively. Avant Browser also provides Full Desktop Mode, which is the same as Full screen mode, but differs in that your windows task bar stays visible.
Built-in Search Engine: Avant Browser provides a built-in search engines, Yahoo and Google. Built-in search engines enable user to search for ****** pages, images, groups, directories, news, lyrics and software in Internet. International users will be glad to know that you can set avant to utilize any of up to 64 google mirrors by default!
Full IE Compatibility: Avant Browser comes with all Internet Explorer functions, including ************************s, ActiveX Controls, Java ************, Real player and Macromedia Flash. IE bookmarks are automatically imported into Avant Browser.
Control Your Privacy: With Avant Browser, you can easily keep your privacy by deleting all browsing traces such as: Typed Addresses, Auto-Complete Passwords, ************************s, History of Visited ****** Sites, Temporary Internet Files and Search Keywords.
No security holes: Avant Browser doesn't contain any functions or codes to help other people or programs to access your computer.
Safe Recovery: If Avant Browser is closed improperly, all open ****** pages are saved and will be automatically reopened at next startup.
Skins: Express your creativity by making a skin for Avant using a custom, easy to use program called Avant Browser Skin Maker, or use any of the many and varied skins made by other users.

حمل البرنامج من هنا

Download Avant Browser, and find more exciting features.

من مواضيع : النور الحسيني 0 ملايين الزوار يحيون ذكرى أربعينية الإمام الحسين عليه ال
0 Avant Browser 11.0 أقوى وأسرع متصفح بالعالم والذي تفوق على أكسبلورر 7 الجديد
0 نسخة ويندوز أصلي ببلاش ..... إلحق العرض
0 أول مــركــز تحميل شيــعــي ، تستطيع أن تحمل 50 م.ب
0 إصدار كامل :: جوهرة القدس :: للرادودين جليل الكربلائي وباسم الكربلائي
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الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 05:28 PM.

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