عضو نشط
رقم العضوية : 7047
الإنتساب : Jul 2007
المشاركات : 233
بمعدل : 0.04 يوميا
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(1)how to improve yopur writing
بتاريخ : 02-02-2008 الساعة : 10:18 PM
standard fare on all computers, there is absolutely no excuse for spelling errors in writing. A dictionary is also a big help during those times you are writing and don’t have access to a computer. The following information can also serve as assistance in your efforts to eliminate spelling mistakes from your writing]
Some of the world's smartest people are bad spellers, but that's no defense against the bad impression that poor spelling can create. To avoid the distracting effect of spelling errors in your writing, follow these strategies
Keep a list of words you often misspell, and try learning one a day--or take your daily word from the list of commonly misspelled words at the end of this lesson
2. When learning to spell a word, use as many of your senses as possible. Say the word aloud; exaggerating each sound--including any silent letters. Visualize the word, and use your finger to trace it in the air or on a flat surface. Write the word, using, first, a pencil and then ink. If possible, type the word on a typewriter or computer]
[3. Create a memory device to remember the word's spelling. For example, to remind yourself the gerbil begins with a g, not a j, you might say, "A gerbil is not a jay." The sillier the device, the more likely you are to remember it.[/font]
[4. Proofread everything you write, and take the time to check spellings in a dictionary. When writing a first draft, mark tricky words for checking later. If you work on a computer, use any spell-checking features]
[As the following examples show, the same sounds are often spelled differently in English: ]
[='Times New Roman','serif']/b/ = beauty, build /f/ = foreign, pharmacy /g/ = ghost, governor, guard /j/ = gel, jewel /k/ = cafeteria, chorus, kayak, quiche /l/ = leisure, llama /n/ = gnat, knife, mnemonic, necessary, pneumonia /r/ = recipe, rhyme, written[/font]
[='Times New Roman','serif']/s/ = cider, scissors, success /sh/ = champagne, sheathe /sk/ = scallop, schedule, sketch /w, hw/ = weight, whim]
[= xylophone, zucchini
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أمل هارون ; 02-02-2008 الساعة 10:25 PM.