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الصورة الرمزية خير الحرائر
خير الحرائر
شيعي محمدي
رقم العضوية : 24762
الإنتساب : Nov 2008
المشاركات : 3,231
بمعدل : 0.55 يوميا

خير الحرائر غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور خير الحرائر

  مشاركة رقم : 11  
كاتب الموضوع : ربيبة الزهـراء المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
قديم بتاريخ : 06-04-2011 الساعة : 01:47 AM

لقد تم عرض هذه الرسالة القوية على الفيسبوك و قد وجهها شباب 14 فبرابر للرئيس الامريكي باراك ابوما و الكونغرس الامريكي و انا انقلها لكم في الملتقى.

هذه الرسالة القت بصداها على مستوى العالم و قد راسلني عدد من المهتمين بحقوق الانسان و الشأن البحريني يبدون اعجابهم بالشباب البحريني و تحرك 14 فبراير.

شبابنا الذي يتواصل مع العالم عبر الانترنت و الفيسبوك و يجب ان لا ننسنى ملتقى البحرين سيحقق المستحيل باذن الله.

نتمنى من الشباب ترجمة الرسالة للعربية في الملتقى.


The Honorable Barack Obama & US congress members,
United States,
Washington, DC
Re: Crimes against humanity in Bahrain.
Dear Mr. President & Congress members:
We raise our voice with all Bahraini people asking for international protection because of the crimes against humanity that have been done in Bahrain by Bahraini regime.
It is first time in the modern history that a regime calls foreign armies to suppress peaceful protesters & kill civilians in front of eyes of Free World.

Bahrain nation who does not have any type of weapons facing armies armed with modern U.S weapons.

Frankly, Bahrain nation lives one of biggest crimes against humanity now while we are writing this letter. What happen in Bahrain is much more than what happened in Libya. In Bahrain peaceful protesters holding nothing facing modern tanks & helicopters of Saidi-Bahraini armies.

It is a big shame that U.S weapons such as Apaches helicopters, automatic gun machines used against civilians; unfortunately US Administration did not condemned using these weapons to shut up sounds peacefully asking for democracy.

Bahrain army & Saudi army attacked Hospitals & health centers in Shia villages; these forces captured wounded protesters while some of them in serious critical conditions. Some of them died instantly after medical equipments removed out of them. This is totally against the international law & Human rights.

Although many doctors & medical staff detained because they where providing treatment to the injured protesters or talk directly to the media such as Dr. Mahmood Asghar (surgeon) who was deatained from operation theater, Dr. Ghassan Dhaif, Dr. Basim Dhaif, Dr. Mona Al-Sammak, Dr. A.Khaliq Al-Oraibi, Dr. Nada Dhaif & many other medical staffs.

Bahrain army & Saudi army also attacked Bahrain Red Crescent organization when they tried to enter the main hospital in the capital city Manama to provide help.

The situation in Bahrain is really dangerous. We need urgent help from Doctors Without Borders organization, Red Cross, International organizations that care about human rights & United Nations.

At least 20 peaceful protesters killed & hundreds people injured until now. At least 30 missing people the regime refused to mention any thing about them & around 500 political activists & peaceful protesters detained after barbaric attacks on their homes.
Frankly, Bahrain nation shocked about the reply of US Foreign Minister Ms Clinton when she said it is the right for Bahrain regime to call another army to support the security in Bahrain but unfortunately she did not mention any thing about the massacres that happened in Bahrain by Saudi-Bahraini armies.

Bahraini regime & Saudi regime consider this as green light and nothing can stop them now. They are killing people in very cold blood & nobody can even ask them.

We are a nation that believe in democracy & human rights and needs a real support from the free world.

Clearly we will not touch the American interests or American fifth fleet in Bahrain if Bahrain becomes a constitutional menarche under Al-Khalifa Royal family or even if Al-Khalifa royal family step down. We consider presence of US army in Bahrain as an important factor for stability of Bahrain. We like Americans & we consider them as fiends. Although from economical view the presence of fifth fleet in Bahrain will be a good income to Bahrain economy & finance.

Bahrain regime demolished Pearl Square beautiful symbol as this stupid regime thinks that the demands of freedom & justice will stop. This regime able to kill all peaceful protesters, destroy whole Bahrain & the whole middle east region just to stay in power
We urge the most powerful administration in the world the US administration and all international community to support the people of Bahrain and their right in democracy as it is clear that this aggressive violence against protesters will make the situation really worse.
Calling from a bleeding heart of a Bahraini citizen who love this country and scarify for its land for immediate intervention in Bahrain. Stop AL-KHALIFA ROYAL FAMILY from killing peaceful protesters.
Bahrain nation respect the interests of US in Bahrain and guarantee this in all circumstances. Bahrain nation is a peaceful nation asking the US president, US congress & the whole US administration to:
Cooperate with United Nation to protect Bahraini people.
Ban selling any weapons to Bahraini regime that maybe used against Bahraini people.
Make pressure on Bahrain regime to release all political activists, opinion prisoners, doctors & medical staff and clarify the fate of missing people.
Force the Bahraini regime to respect human rights & United Nations treaties that signed by Bahraini regime.
Bahraini regime must face international trials due to their crimes against humanity.
Stop genocide in Bahrain; the Bahraini regime naturalized thousands of sunni people to change Bahrain demographic population.

Yours sincerely,
On behalf of Bahraini nation.
Bahrain 14 Feb Peaceful Movement (B14


توقيع : خير الحرائر
وَذَا النُّونِ إِذ ذَّهَبَ مُغَاضِبًا فَظَنَّ أَن لَّن نَّقْدِرَ عَلَيْهِ فَنَادَى فِي الظُّلُمَاتِ أَن لَّا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
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