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الصورة الرمزية محمد الشرقي
محمد الشرقي
شيعي محمدي
رقم العضوية : 141
الإنتساب : Aug 2006
المشاركات : 3,118
بمعدل : 0.46 يوميا

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  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العلمي والتقني
افتراضي Windows Media Center Edition 2006 ويندوز ميديا سنتر
قديم بتاريخ : 19-08-2006 الساعة : 11:16 PM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والحمد الله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اطيب خلق الله محمد وعلى اله الطاهرين واصحابه المنتجبين
فاز من تمسك بكم وامن من لجأ لحصنكم
Windows Media Center Edition 2006
لاداعي لتنصيب الاوفيس ولا انتي فايروس ويحتوي على العديد من البرامج المتميزة
اترككم مع الصور لتعبر عن نفسها
وهذه معلومات عن التحديثات التي ايضفت الى هذا الاصدار
Programs integrated are:
VmWare 5.5 (fully Registered)
OpenOffice 2.0
XP codec Pack
Hotfixes Included in v1.0
KB873339 - Vulnerability in HyperTerminal could allow code execution
KB885250 - Vulnerability in server message block could allow remote code
KB885835 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel and LSASS could allow elevation of privilege
KB885836 - A vulnerability in WordPad could allow code execution
KB886185 - Critical update for Windows Firewall "My Network (subnet) only" scoping in Windows XP Service Pack 2
KB887472 - Security update to M*crosoft Windows Messenger
KB887742 - You receive the Stop error "Stop 0x05 (INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT)" in Windows XP Service Pack 2
KB888113 - Vulnerability in hyperlink object library could allow remote code execution
KB888302 - Vulnerability in Windows could allow information disclosure
KB890046 - Vulnerability in M*crosoft agent could allow spoofing
KB890830 - Malicious Software Removal Tool 1.14
KB890859 - Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel could allow elevation of privilege and denial of service
KB891781 - Vulnerability in the DHTML editing component ActiveX control could allow code execution
KB893756 - Vulnerability in Telephony service could allow remote code execution
KB893803 - Windows Installer 3.1 v2
KB894391 - You receive a "Generic Host Process" error message after you start the computer, or DBCS attachment file names are not disp
KB896358 - A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution
KB896422 - Vulnerability in Server Message Block could allow remote code execution
KB896423 - Vulnerability in Print Spooler service could allow remote code execution
KB896424 - M*crosoft Security Bulletin MS05-053: Vulnerabilities in Graphics Rendering Engine Could Allow Code Execution
KB896428 - Vulnerability in Telnet client could allow information disclosure
KB898461 - Software update 898461 installs a permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB899587 - Vulnerabilities in Kerberos could allow denial of service, information disclosure, and spoofing
KB899589 - Vulnerability in the Client Service for NetWare could allow remote code execution
KB899591 - Vulnerability in Remote Desktop Protocol could allow denial of service
KB900725 - Vulnerabilities in the Windows ****l could allow for remote code execution
KB901017 - Vulnerability in the M*crosoft Collaboration Data Objects could allow code execution
KB901214 - Vulnerability in M*crosoft Color Management Module could allow remote code execution
KB902400 - Vulnerabilities in MS DTC and COM+ could allow remote code execution
KB904706 - Vulnerability in DirectShow could allow remote code execution
KB905414 - Vulnerability in Network Connection Manager could allow denial of service
KB905749 - Vulnerability in Plug and Play could allow remote code execution and local elevation of privilege
KB905915 - Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer
KB908519 - Vulnerability in embedded Web fonts could allow remote code execution
KB910437 - When Windows Automatic Updates tries to download updates on a Windows XP-based computer, an access violation error ma
KB911564 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player plug-in with non-M*crosoft Internet browsers could allow remote code execution
KB911927 - Vulnerability in WebClient could allow remote code execution
KB912919 - Vulnerability in graphics rendering engine could allow remote code execution
KB913446 - Vulnerability in TCP/IP could allow denial of service
Other Stuff Included in v1.0.2
Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX Control
M*crosoft Update
KB282784 - M*crosoft Qfecheck 5.0.2195.4605
KB873374 - M*crosoft GDI+ Detection Tool
KB892130 - M*crosoft Windows Genuine Advantage Tool v1.5.512.0
BSplayer [version 1.39.829]
This is a full-featured player. It has some nice features for playing movies through your TV-out.
Media Player Classic [version]
This is a full-featured player which has internal decoding support for DVD, MPEG-1/2, MP3, MP2, AAC, AC3 and DTS. It also has internal support for opening MP4, Matroska and Ogg containers. Media Player Classic is also capable of playing QuickTime and RealMedia content if those codecs are installed.
ffdshow [build 2006-01-27]
ffdshow is a very powerful DirectShow filter can decode various audio and video formats. For example: DivX, XviD, MPEG-4, H.263, H.264, MPEG1, MPEG2, MJPEG, CinePack, TrueMotion, DV, ASV1/2, VCR1, VP3, huffyuv, Theora, AAC, AC3, DTS, MP2, MP3 and TrueAudio. When using ffdshow you don't need to install separate DirectShow filters for all of these formats.
extra plugins
ff_kernelDeint.dll, TomsMoComp_ff.dll, FLT_ffdshow.dll, ff_samplerate.dll
ffdshow VFW interface
For encoding into various formats: MPEG-4, Theora, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, SNOW, MJPEG and a couple more.
DirectShow video filters:
VFW video codecs:
XviD [version 1.1.0] #
For encoding video in the XviD format.
DivX Pro [version 6.1.1]
For encoding video in the DivX format.
3ivX Pro [version D4 4.5.1]
For encoding video in the 3ivX format.
x264 [rev. 467]
For encoding video in the H.264 format.
Windows Media 9 VCM [version]
For decoding Windows Media 9 audio and video.
For encoding video in the Windows Media 9 format.
On2 VP3 [version DT] #
For decoding VP3 video. This format is not very common.
For encoding video in the VP3 format.
On2 VP6 [version] [Encoding]
For encoding video in the VP6 format.
On2 VP7 [version] [Encoding]
For encoding video in the VP7 format.
Intel Indeo [version 5.2562.15.54]
For decoding Indeo 5 video.
For encoding video in the Indeo 5 format.
Intel Indeo [version]
For decoding Indeo 4 video.
For encoding video in the Indeo 4 format.
Intel Indeo [version]
For decoding Indeo 3 video.
For encoding video in the Indeo 3 format.
Intel I.263 [version]
For playing I.263 video.
For encoding video in the I.263 format.
huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5]
For decoding huffyuv video.
For encoding video in the huffyuv format.
huffyuv is a lossless (no quality loss) video compression format.
MS MPEG-4 [version] #
For decoding MS MPEG-4 video.
For encoding video in the MS MPEG-4 format.
DivX MPEG-4 Low and Fast motion [version] #
Also known as DivX 3.11.
QuickTime Alternative:
QuickTime codecs [version]
Required for playing QuickTime content.
QuickTime plugin for Internet Explorer
Allows you to view QuickTime content that is embedded in a webpage. This is installed together with the QuickTime codecs.
QuickTime plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera
Allows you to view QuickTime content that is embedded in a webpage.
Extra QuickTime plugins
Some additional plugins.
QuickTime DirectShow parser #
Allows you to play QuickTime content in all DirectShow enabled players. This filter works with most files, but not all files. It is therefore recommended to use Media Player Classic to play QuickTime files.
Real Alternative:
RealMedia codecs [version]
Required for playing RealMedia movies and audio.
RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
Allows you to view RealMedia content that is embedded in a webpage. This is installed together with the RealMedia codecs.
RealMedia plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera
Allows you to view RealMedia content that is embedded in a webpage.
RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version] #
Allows you to play RealMedia files in all DirectShow enabled players. Without this filter RealMedia files can only be played in Media Player Classic. This filter only works with files that are on your harddrive. It does NOT work with streaming content. Therefore it is highly recommended to use Media Player Classic, because MPC does support streaming content.
DirectShow audio filters:
MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version] # #
For decoding MP3 audio.
AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.01a rc5] # #
For decoding AC3 and DTS audio. Also decodes DVD audio.
AC3 (AC3Filter) [version 0.70b mod] # #
For decoding AC3 audio. Use this version if you have problems with the less stable 1.01a version.
AC3/DTS/LPCM (InterVideo) [version] # #
For decoding AC3 and DTS audio. Also decodes DVD audio.
MP1/MP2 (Ligos) [version] # #


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