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الصورة الرمزية الملك_ميسان
عضو برونزي
رقم العضوية : 63549
الإنتساب : Dec 2010
المشاركات : 314
بمعدل : 0.06 يوميا

الملك_ميسان غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور الملك_ميسان

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
افتراضي رد تفصيلي للأخ الكريم الرجل الحر..
قديم بتاريخ : 19-03-2012 الساعة : 08:06 PM

سم الله الرحمان الرحيم
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم والعن أعدائهم

الرد الأول سيكون باللغة األأنكليزية وسأضعه باللغة العربية تباعاً...رداً على هذه الجملة التي كتبها الأخ الفاضل الرجل الحر...والغاية منها ليس التباهي وإظهار القابليات..بل الغاية منها هو التوضيح وعندما أكتب عن موضوع معين
وأضع روابط باللغة الأنكليزية هذا يعني ان أطلعت عليها بشكل دقيق وأعرف عن ماذا أتحدث ولم أكتب ما كتبت من الهواء..بل هو حقيقة موجودة في تلك المواقع...وهو دليل على فهمي للغة الأنكليزية بشكل
جيد..وهذا النص الأنكليزي إثبات ..لهذه الحقيقة حتى لايأتي أحد مثل الأخ الفاضل الرجل الحر..ويلقي الكلام على عوانه...وسيتبين من هو الذي يفهم "اللغة الأنكليزية من الذي لايفيهم.

هذه جملة الأخ "الرجل الحر" ....
ويمكن للأخ الملك ميسان اعادة مراجعة الفيديو او الاستعانة بمن يتقن الانكليزية تماما ليتبين الحقيقة .

وإليكم الرد بالأنكليزي...

Allah the most gracious, and By the name of merciful.

I would like to respond to my brother (the free man) in hopes that he can critique my English vocabulary and grammar; therefore in
doing so; I would learn english better and be more sufficient to people reading my english comments.
Definition of EMOtional
In regards to EMO it is an acrynom for the word Emotional which does not mean passionate! Emotional are personal feelings towards oneself; passionate means having passion towards; (for example) animals,people, earth etc,etc.
The two words are not! the same.
It is not (style of life) in english; It is (LIFE STYLE)
In regards to your cut and pasting from one of the EMO websites you pasted from comments left by EMO's;
Did you not read it? or did you not understand it?
it says;" HOT GIRLS AND HOT GUYS KISSING", this is their way of releasing emotional stress, Another comment; "I DIDN'T CHOOSE THIS,IT'S WHAT I AM" , basically this is their way of pushing and promoting homosexuality and lesbianism, as you may have heard that they were born this way, as you may have seen wether on TV, magazines with very famous singers, actors, actress kissing eachother; songs with very explicit sexual acts amoungst two women or two men and they sing about being normal, it's ok!, I was born this way, it's all about promoting individualism; which emerged and formed in the freemasons safe haven by their distinguished members like Jean-paul S'artre, I'm sure you know who that is.

Since you are an English Specialist, let me show you what you just copied and pasted about the EMO are viewing themselves under what is EMO?!!!
Therefore I am going to point out to you in red color what you copied and pasted;
Did you really read it?!!
Did you really Understand it?!!
Mr. English Specialist?!!
I'm not gonna(going) to cut statements from their self point of view, I'm going (gonna) leave the whole piece as it is and I'll make you read what you just posted from their website regarding who is the EMO's view themselves in their own words. Than I'm gonna translate the piece to Arabic and you can take it to your Proffs(proffessor) in case you don't know what proffs means and ask them wether my translation is accurate,correct,precise,suffiecient,proper, or not

close enough to punk and rock emo is now know for it's more emotional state of mind. Instead of the anger hard-core way of expressing one-self , emo (short for emotional) ha
taken a new tole on the twentith century of expressing yourself. From the music with strong emotion and feeling, unlike hard rock or this is more of an alternative way to let your feeling be known.emo is not only a classification or a type of music it's also taken over the way one expresses themself by dressing. It includes the tighter fiting pants to the dyed-black or dark hair with it covering your face. The longer hair in front with the spikes in the back is also a more emo- or emotional look to dressing. Emo is also being known as for the hot emo guys and emo girls kissing. From pictures all on the web to the music videos. Hot emo girl to girl and well as hot emo guy to guy is becoming more and more adventurous and more open concluding; emo meaning being comfortable with oneself. Its a more direct way of altering the feelings one has without words, just emotion.

Some say music is not a type of music. That it is more of a fashion and a way of feeling, hence the emotional. Just recently people have been considering emo to be a genre or music.. Taking back sunday is one of the many bands people consider to be emo.

Wondering why everyone hates emo? Not all emo people are cry babies or sucidial. Many emo kids come from families which are having serious issues whether it being money issues or what have you

what is emo to mean to you? Send us what it means to you and we will add your description.

viewers voice

emo,yes it is short for emotional. But,there is more to emo then hair and looks. Emo is a state of mind. Most people,made them selves appear emo. While in reality,they have to much hope to be emo. Emo is much like goth. But,goth is darker. Emo is more emotional,harder to fake. Yes,some emos cut themselves,but there is more than that. Emo is one of the hardest things,to explain. People hate emos,b/c they view us as suicidal,cry babies,or just week. That's not what emo is. Suicidal yes,at times. But,don't judge me for being emo. It's not what i chose to be. It's just what i am.

another says....

i think emo is just another label,but my definition of it will be for real.personally,i used to cut,but i stopped.take it from me.it's hard to stop!i am bi,but i'm not afraid of it!people shouldn't judge us for what we do and who we are.emo is a music genre,but also a state of mind.if you're emo,don't be afraid of it.it's just who you are!it's perfectly normal to have a sensitive side,although i'm sassy sometimes.i'm really sensitive when 90% of the time.i love being who i am,though i get bullied alot.i don't care.well,in my opinion,emo is just how people describe over-sensitive people.i write tons of poetry,and i'm in middle school.i am not ashamed to say i like girls,ever since i was 9,i have liked girls.i can't help how i feel! But over the summer,i've changed a bit.i'm not as sensitive,but i still am.i don't let people put me down.emo is just about being sensitive and expressing how you feel about something.if you get suicidal thoughts,talk to someone
,trust me!don't make the mistake i did.i am a lot better off without blades.

توقيع : الملك_ميسان
موضوع فيه معلومات قيمة عن حقيقة الماسونية العالمية
من مواضيع : الملك_ميسان 0 إكراماً لشهداء المقابر لجماعية المالكي يعيد الظباط البعثية..!
0 الضربة التي لاتقتلك تقويك.!!
0 حنان الفتلاوي وفلتت اللسان التي كشفت المستور..!
0 ذكرى إغتيال الشهيد علي اللامي وعودة البعثيين من أوسع الأبواب
0 د- ناهدة التميمي لك الحقائق وليس ما قيل في الشوارع..!!

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