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الصورة الرمزية نرجس*
شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 45442
الإنتساب : Nov 2009
المشاركات : 20,041
بمعدل : 3.58 يوميا

نرجس* غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور نرجس*

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : منتدى الصور والتصاميم
Waz18 Weird and wonderful Australia‏
قديم بتاريخ : 17-05-2012 الساعة : 08:03 PM

Tessellated pavement in Tasmania is a rare feature formed by the erosion
of flat sedimentary rock. The eect is a result of parts of the pavement
eroding more quickly than the joints, creating a rectangular "pan" formation.

A morning glory is one of the rarest cloud formations in the world and
occurs most often in northern Australia near the Gulf of Carpentaria.
It's a low-lying tube-shaped cloud that appears to roll through the sky
like a baker's rolling pin, sometimes stretching up to 1000km.

The horizontal waterfalls in the Kimberleys in Western Australia are
a natural phenomenon caused by water surging between two narrow
island gaps. The tides create the eect of a flat waterfall flowing
horizontally across the face of the ocean.

Gantheaume Point in Broome, WA, is home to dinosaur footprints
more than 130 million years old. They can be seen in the rocky reef
area at low tide.

At the beginning of the wet season on Christmas Island more than
150 million red crabs move from inland ****ters to the shore for their
annual breeding season. During this time, usually from October to November,
the entire forest floor, and even the roads that run through it, are swathed
in a sea of red in one of the most spectacular animal migrations in the world.

Little did engineers know the retaining wall of the Barossa Reservoir
in Adelaide would become one of the Barossa Valley's star attractions
(after the wine, of course). The Whispering Wall has a unique acoustic
eect where words whispered on one side can be clearly heard at the
other, more than 100m away.

Eastern horseshoe bats can be spotted in parts of Australia, particularly
in Queensland. They are distinguished by the horseshoe-shaped fleshy
area around their nose.

Gymea lilies are spectacular Australian native plants with large red flower
heads atop a single stem stretching up to 6m.

Tawny frogmouths are a uniquely Australian species of the frogmouth,
a nocturnal bird often mistaken for an owl. This picture shows a baby
tawny frogmouth, whose white feathers turn grey and brown with age.

توقيع : نرجس*
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الساعة الآن: 10:41 AM.

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