Since your a Specialist in English you fully understand that my rebuttal to you is"TIT FOR TAT"!!
Since your a specialist in English it raises a very big, huge, massive question in me; which is; you went to the Website,
YOU SEEN TWO GUYS KISSING, and you tried to justify their actions!!
It's just about fashion??? even though you admitted that EMO does shameful behavior in the west and the idea coming to our society from the same source; your still in denial that our kids who follow this (movement) could or would fall in the same path. Not you nor anyone can guarantee that they would not. The reason being, these guys when they sit alone behind closed dooors or isolated areas in the open; no one guarantees that they won't try it, it's ok; it's normal we are EMO and born this way, even though there is no such behavior in public and I wish that they won't fall in such behavior, but who can guarantee it?
In regards to the video that you didn't understand the lyrics and how could I manage to understand that they were praising Satan through the song; which belongs to satanic heavy ****l bands.
Have you ever noticed the hand sign?
Do you know what it means?
Do you know where it originated from?
Apparently you don't know, because iether you ignored it or you didn't understand what it symbolizes, let me tell you!!!
LOOK BUDDY read what I'm going to write very carefully.
It's a salute to SATAN; the two fingers up like horns, and the middle and ring finger down under the thumb, How do I know? Here is a picture of Anton Lavey making the Salute, another one for rock bands making the same signs, another one George bush, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Obama, etc etc.. ( Do they all love rock music; just wondering???)
All you have to do is google pics for the same sign. You will be very surprised; I suppose??
How did they promote this sign?
Back in the 1960's their was the psychedelic rock movement with the hippies, the psychedelic rock was in their opinion about love,peace, and freedom. Have you heard of Woodstock?
Well in case you haven't heard about it let me tell you; Woodstock was the first free psychedelic rock concert, it had over 35 rock bands and it was free for all, it was with young teenagers up to the age of 50; they were all against government, vietnam war, and parents; it was about the freedom to do drugs, not work, make love publicly not war; this sign originated from this point when the Rolling stones came on stage and sang their most famous song called "sympathy for the devil", when mick jagger the singer started the song he raised his hand and gave the salute to satan and everyone followed, all 98,000 plus people; they the people called it the rock sign, not knowing it was actually the salute for satan and they interpeted it as I love you!! Ironically, The song was if you recall I just said it above is called"
SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL". Here are the lyrics in the link below, as long as your an English Specialist?? You have no problem understanding..