وصلتني عبر الايميل هذه القصة وأحببت أن أنقلها الكم أحبتي
الحورة ببيت محمد طيب خنجي (محمد الطيب) - وأبناؤه وأحفاده موجودون معروفون … وكانوا من سكنه الحورة القريبة من المنامة
العاشر من محرم من سنة 1354هـ - الرابع عشر من ابريل من سنة 1935م
على ما تناقله القدماء بأن هذه الحادثة كانت لحفل زواج وأقيم في اليوم العاشر كناية عن الحقد على شيعة أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام والعناد فيهم ولشعائرهم والله أعلم.
تأكد بعض الأشخاص من أقاربهم المعمرين في البحرين هذه القضية ونقلوا لي عن امرأة يعرفونها كانت موجودة في بيت الطيب وعمرها آنذاك 8 سنوات.
وأفادت إنها ذهبت مع خالتها لاستلام الزكاة يوم العاشر من المحرم من بيت هذا الرجل. حيث كان يوزع الزكاة يوم العاشر فرحا وسرورا ونصبا وبغضا لآل محمد وشيعة آل محمد.
وأفادت المرأة بان كانت جمهرة من نساء وأطفال ورجال داخل البيت وكان بيتا كبيرا به باب كبير وأن الباب فجأة أغلق والناس بداخله وحدث ما يشبه البرق أو ضوء يقطعهم تراكضوا على أثره ومات من مات وجرح من جرح أما خالتها وهي التفتت بأن القادم هو أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام حسب اعتقادها وهذا سيفه فقامت ودخلت الحمام لأن حسب ما تعتقد أن علي عليه السلام لا يدخل الحمام ولكنها لم تسلم وأنكسر ساق خالتها وهي كانت معها داخل الحمام.
وحين أتى الناس ليروا ما حدث في البيت صرخت فسمعوها واتوا وفتحوا باب الحمام ونجا عدد قليل جدا من الناس إما الباقي إما مقتول أو مجروح.
وشاهدت حين خروجها الجثث وشاهدت سيارات اللوري كما يسمونها تنقل هذه الجثث لكثرتها .
الله العالم كل شيء جائز ولكن حتى الآن لم أشاهد أحد العلماء المتخصصين قد بت في هذه المسألة وهل ينطبق عليها كرامة أو معجزة من خلال دلائل معينة
من الناحية العرفانية هو كذلك غضب من الله ورسوله وأهل البيت عليهم السلام كنوع من ربط الحدثين والأخذ بالأسباب.
A day of dreadful happenings which will always be remembered in Bahrain . I got up rather late meaning to go to see the Muharram procession as usual. Just as I was starting one of the boys told me that there was some trouble in the house of Mohammed Tayeb, close behind this house, and people had been killed there. I drove straight to the house and found a very great crowd all around the place. I pushed through, with Hamood, and as I went in I saw some people, women, lying on the ground outside surrounded by people. The inside of the house was crammed and a great many people were wailing, there were two natives trying to deal with the crowd, all over the courtyard and the inner courtyard and a little garden adjoining it, there were people lying on the ground, some obviously dead, some alive and injured and many unconscious, most of them were women, but there were some boys and one or two old men. They were all sorts & conditions, many were decently dressed, others were beggars. It was almost impossible to walk without treading on the people, most of them had blue marks on their faces, showing suffocation, & many of them had been soaked with water which people, meaning well, had poured over them. Most of the women had their diaperels covering their faces, which lessened the chance of recovery. Thoms, from the Mission, arrived about the same time as I did, & then Storm & Holmes with their medicines & syringes etc. I started by turning out the crowd, no easy job but very necessary, then the doctors were able to work. Even with all that had happened, some of the people disapproved of the women’s faces being uncovered. There were some terribly sad sights, women with children & one little boy who looked just as if he was asleep, but nothing did any . After a time some more natters arrived, very necessary too as the crowd were trying all the time to get in, many of them afraid that they had relations among the dead and injured. Haenige who was in the Mission Hospital appeared and was very useful, also Hopper who produced a Ford truck & then other people arrived all having been at the Muharram procession down in the town. Eventually we got several lorries and carried all the dead & wounded into them & so to the Women’s Hospital which very soon became crammed, all the wards & verandas upstairs & below as well. When everyone had been moved I left the place as by then there were lots of people to help. I went down to the Agency to see Cole & found him entirely unaware that anything had happened. Even when I told him he seemed quite unconcerned & didn’t realize what a shocking disaster it was. (..) 66 people died & in the evening while many were being buried at the cemetery I was sent for to the cemetery as a lot of Shias were making a demonstration outside the cemetery. The Shias disapproved strongly of 16th Muharram which is a day of mourning being chosen for a day on which to give alms. They stood shouting at the mourners saying that this was a punishment from Ali & Hussein on the Sunnis. We sent out Police & the Baharna disappeared at once.