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المنتدى العام المنتدى مخصص للأمور العامة

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الصورة الرمزية عَآشِق الْكَرَار
عَآشِق الْكَرَار
عضو ذهبـي
رقم العضوية : 36607
الإنتساب : May 2009
المشاركات : 2,656
بمعدل : 0.46 يوميا

عَآشِق الْكَرَار غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور عَآشِق الْكَرَار

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العام
افتراضي ~~ love in Islam ~~
قديم بتاريخ : 14-03-2012 الساعة : 06:40 AM

In The Name Of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Love in Islam

Love of the highest human emotions, and the finest instincts which is inherent in human instinct, a sense and a sense of myself and emotional, attracted by the beloved's heart with enthusiasm and passion emotion.
Degrees of love:
And degrees of love, he called the love of God and His Messenger, and then love and family, especially parents, relatives and friends, and love between men and women. And love between men and women than I'm, a linking between husband and wife, and from the Sacred Calanhravat and homosexuality and illegal relationships between men and women.
Halal and love arise in light of God and satisfaction, and thrive under the eyes of the people and Bembarkihm, but love no man's land in the soil of poor Vinept sponsored by the devil, and tell Balgoaep and misguided, and decorated with passion. I'm blessed and love of God, and who envies people, but love no man's land is not pleasing to God and rejects of society.
And women by virtue of its composition psychological, more passion, and taxed the sense of the man, Vhabha deeper and feeling stronger, but love - in many cases is - has become a serious problem affecting the community and its members, dominated the forbidden pictures of it on the images I'm, and spread corruption, broken families and devastated homes and violated the sanctities, all this under the banner of love.
Causes of the problem:
The problem of love no man's land for several reasons:
Spread of many of the concepts and misconceptions among young people about the need to practice love, experience, and live with, resulting from bad manners rampant these days, and mixing with bad without censorship or boundaries at home among relatives and non-relatives, and in the street, in transportation, schools, and universities, in clubs and parks, was a way to corruption and the dissemination of temptation and evil, With it facilitates the underworld is the devil work.
The poet said:
The peace look Vaptsamp cause harm commencement date confluence
Glance share of the arrows of the devil, it unleashed has not reaped the only loss.
The poet says:
All instances, its principle of consideration and most of the fire start from a little spark
Media unparalleled views of many, and broadcasts of ideas, and presentation of films and serials, imagine a love no man's land in pictures make him the title of sacrifice and loyalty, Vthompsk that values and morals of young people, and cause them to experience a push to have a share of the sacrifice and annihilation for the sake of love!!
Results of the problem:
Was a result of these reasons that the spread sedition and overcome the desires, how the wife betrayed her husband, and how much of a husband Khan, his wife, and how a girl who lost the title of honor, and how many boys wreaked havoc, and how much from the holy places have been violated, the sanctity permitted in all this under the pre**** of love!!
The role of women:
Here comes the role of women or girls, which, if neglected the dignity suit, with the tide as it sees fit, the way of temptation and corruption, is the wife who love to her husband and the fact that housing and safety is a safeguard her home and the reservation community, and the mother who reared her children in accordance with the principles and noble values provide the community Balsed capable of construction and promotion, For the Muslim commitment to the controls established by Salah al-Islam for the individual and the good of society ...
Islamic regulations:
Must take into account some of the controls laid down by Islam for the maintenance of the individual and the protection of society, such as:
1 - it's to lower their gaze and forbidding what is considered sacred, the Almighty said: (Say to the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that is purer for them that Allah is Aware of what they do. Say to the believing women to lower-Aware of their private parts) [Nur: 30-31], and Hudhayfah - may Allah be pleased with him - said, "The (: (view shares from a poisoned arrows of the devil, it is left from the fear of God came to him a belief in his heart find sweet) [ruling ].
2 - Non-mixing only to the need to aim for the good of Islam and Muslims, and avoid mixing bad for fun and pointless.
3 - Attention to marriage, which is encouraged, and to facilitate the paths, and make it legitimate means to achieve love and housing, he says: (It is that He created for you wives from among yourselves that ye may rest them and put between you affection and mercy in this are Signs for those who reflect) [Roman: 21], and (: (O young men!, it is lowering the gaze and guarding one's chastity, it is not able to fast, it came to him)
4 - urged women to keep her husband, and the vitality of their love through the work of the exchange of simple gifts, caring and looks warm, hand in hand and participate in its work and activities, the love grows Kalzera care, and the fading of neglect.
5 - the call to uphold the virtues, and a prohibition on self-Hawa, the Almighty said: (The one who fears standing before his Lord and forbade the self revealed. The Paradise is the ****ter)
[Aromatic: 40-41].
6 - a statement that all worldly things are only means towards the end of the High Commissioner, which are accessible to the highest degree of faith represented in the love of God and His Messenger, which is very individual which it seeks, and by obtaining victory, happiness, he says: (And those who believe, love Allaah more) [Baqarah: 165], and the Almighty said: (Say: If ye do love Allah, Follow me: Allah) [Al-Imran: 31].
7 - invite the leaders of the media that the fear of God in what fostered the informative article on youth and girls, men and women of this nation, and take of these devices mouthpieces spit of the devil his poison, but they must do their part - through these devices - in the dissemination of values and virtues of the High Commissioner, by which society thrives and happy members.
Islam is not hostile to human feelings, but stand in the way immoral Love Halaleh old, and forbidden forbidden.


توقيع : عَآشِق الْكَرَار

من مواضيع : عَآشِق الْكَرَار 0 ويبقى الأمل أمــآإآم عيني :/
0 صور للقطوو بوسي ^^
0 بَــعدسُتي مَن هًنــآ وهًنــآك (8) ^^
0 بَــعدسُتي مَن هًنــآ وهًنــآك (7) ^^
0 بعدستي : ألتقــآطات للسمــآء :)
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